2005 Major League Baseball All-Star Game Tonight!

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I :heart: Baseball, so I am gonna watch All night. Hopefully it's going to be a great game!! :D

Any predictions?

I like NL to win, but I know AL hit better, always.

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Oh God, they incorporated Fantastic Four into the Game Introduction!

I haven't seen F4 yet, but that made me want to watch baseball even more! :p

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what haven't they incorporated into F4 these days? biggest hype for the crappiest movies...

3 out of every 4 commercials i see have F4 in em...

go NL!!

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Arggghhhh, NL MUSTscore in this inning in order to make an effort of coming back at all.

I doubt it though.

ANDREW JONES!!!! :woot: :woot: :woot:

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shouldnt this be in the sports forum??


yeah, it should be...

congrats to AL for winning last night.

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I loved how Francona used Rivera to close the game!! That is the only time you will see Red Sox's players and coaches cheering for Rivera for the close ... well maybe ... tee hee!

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yeah, it should be...

congrats to AL for winning last night.


Well what if it's about the Fantastic Four thing?

Can some upload that Intro with Fantastic Four/Baseball?? :)

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