NHL and NHLPA Reach Tentative Deal

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NHL, NHLPA reach tentative deal

7/13/2005 1:34:40 PM

And now for the words everyone has been waiting to hear: The deal is done!

The NHL and NHL Players' Association have finally reached an agreement (pending ratification) on a new six-year collective bargaining agreement that - if approved by the NHL board of governors next Thursday and the rank and file membership of the NHLPA next Tuesday - will officially end the stalemate on July 21.

The agreement, a complex document reportedly numbering more than 600 pages, came after the two sides staged marathon negotiating sessions for nine consecutive days. Since the 2004-05 NHL season was officially cancelled on Feb. 16, the league and union have met on 82 occasions, leading to an agreement that will revamp the way the entire professional hockey industry conducts its business.


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I'm from the U.K and I am not very upto date with the events of the NHL :blush:

Would someone like to give me a quick rundown of what happened and why it's not being shown anymore.. I loved watching it on Channel 5 and I wondered what happened to it?

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cant wait for my Red Wings! :)


Same :)

It's going to be a very different team and a very different game, though... I don't know if I'll still be much of a fan.

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Dagnabit, and I was enjoying not seeing hockey 'highlights' on sportscenter.


WHAT!? I can think of many other sports with far worse "highlights" taking up my time. ie basketball. Boy those free throws are exciting to watch and the slam dunks, they all look so diferent. WOW, that 7 foot tall guy slamed a ball. Whoopee!

Which sports do you prefer? I'd like to make fun of those for you.

Thank god hockey is back, it's the COOLEST sport on earth!

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Great news. So glad it is finally all over. Now let the Crosby draft begin. My bet is the Rangers get him. Seeing as the have the full 3 balls and I have a feeling the league wants him there. For the draft lottery breakdown see: TSN.ca

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WHAT!? I can think of many other sports with far worse "highlights" taking up my time. ie basketball. Boy those free throws are exciting to watch and the slam dunks, they all look so diferent. WOW, that 7 foot tall guy slamed a ball. Whoopee!

Which sports do you prefer? I'd like to make fun of those for you.

Thank god hockey is back, it's the COOLEST sport on earth!


I should have clarified....

It seems like hockey has the absolute longest season in the world. what...80 games in the regular season, followed by 2 months of playoffs, and then they are back in preseason in another 2...so it seems that their highlights are always on sportscenter.

As for the sport itself, I just find hockey incredibly dull...but that's just my opinion...sorry. :/

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Thanks for clarifying. You are right, the season is too long. Something about hockey in June that just doesn't seem right. One idea that I like but have never really heard anything about in hockey is changing the playoff format to something like basketball's. The first 2 or 3 rounds can be a best of 5 and the last a best of 7. That could conceivably cut it down by at least a couple weeks. I love hockey but to each his own.

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eh, i have missed the habs and making fun of leafs and canuck fans, effing maple laughs


Just because the Canucks are better than the Habs doesn't mean you have to make fun of us, we should be making fun of you! :happy:

Either way, great news, but they have said this like 20 times already. :pinch:

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Just because the Canucks are better than the Habs doesn't mean you have to make fun of us, we should be making fun of you! :happy:

You can say that when Vancouver wins 24 Stanley Cups, compared to the ZERO they have now. ;)

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Just because the Canucks are better than the Habs doesn't mean you have to make fun of us, we should be making fun of you! :happy:

Either way, great news, but they have said this like 20 times already. :pinch:


You can say that when Vancouver wins 24 Stanley Cups, compared to the ZERO they have now.  ;)


and the fact that no one in the history of the english language has ever demonstrated the words CHOKE any better, and how are they better? who made it farther in the playoffs

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And so I heard. I was sooooo happy when I went on TSN.ca to check the Golf when I see "Done Deal!" in big letters.

Finally hockey is coming back :unsure:

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I want to see my Rangers so bad (I know they suck, i don't care).


Lets Go Islanders!! Rangers Suck.... :happy:

YAY Hockey is back...weeeeeeeeeeee

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