ROUTER Linksys BEFSR41 V3 issues

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Hello folks.

First of all, excuse me my english.

OK. so i have a Linksys BEFSR41 V3 router, 4 ports (i bought it like four months ago). Diferent from most users here, i don't have many problems with this router.

BUT, i have one problem, and i can't solve it.

OK. first of all, i ALREADY tried ALL steps that u guys can imagine, like: formated my comp, changed NIC cards, changed computer, RESETED router ( all kinda of resets, small like 30 seconds, and a big one, like 3 minuts) and all kinda of firmwares, old, news and betas, and linksys's online suport. BUT i can't solve my problem.

So, this is my problem:

every 24 hours, router change the lease obtained and lease expires for LAN ip's. This happens cause i'm running Local DHCP server ENABLED in router, and Client lease time is set to 0, that means renew every 24 hours. (this is the DEFAULT router config.)

BUT, every time, when router will renew the IP, i get a quick disconect. It's quick, like 2 seconds, BUT it happens, every 24 hours.

OK. u guys can say me, hey just turn off DHCP server and set IP's manually and you'll solve your problem. YEP, it's true, BUT i don't wanna do it, cause i can set it with my cable modem and a simply HUB or switch. And i bought a ROUTER, to do not need do it in every machine on my LAN.

OK. I was reading a lot os topics, and found and possible conflict.

On this topic, MArvin says: "What people seem to be finding is that there is a conflict of some sort between the adsl modem and the router. Some users have found that changing the modem made the problem go away completely. 4200 surfboard modems have been known to cause this problem."

I have a surfboard motorola. This is my cable modem

So now, i don't know what to do. Linksys suport told me, to use the product warranty and change it. BUT i'm afraid to get the new product, and still get the error. Maybe it's my CABLE MODEM, that causes the issues.

I don't have other cable modem, to test it here, so i don't know what i should do ??

Use the warranty ?

And about the disconect, i get error msg under event viewer, lemme shoe this errors for u guys.





what should do ?

PS: I'm running Windows XP SP2

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Ok for starters, what would your modem have to do with your routers dhcp server? NOTHING would be the correct answer. The operation of the dhcp server has NOTHING to do with if your router has a valid wan connection or not.. you can disconnect your wan connection - and still hand out local ip addresses to your lan side, etc.

Your machine is not renewing its ip address.. Normally a dhcp client will "renew" its lease at the 50% of the lease time.. So if you get a 24 hour lease.. in 12 hours it will try and renew.. it it does not then at 50% of the time left it will try again, ie 6 hours, then 3, then 1.5, etc.. until finally it expires....

So either your nic and the linksys dhcp server do not like to play nice.. or a firewall could be blocking the request/response for the renew.

You have 1 machine? Dude there is no need to run dhcp for 1 machine.. Set it to static and be done with it.. Are you running a firewall? What do its logs say? Can you manually renew your lease? ipconfig /renew

Your last error says the the dhcp server denied your renew.. a dhcpnack would be sent when a machine asked to renew an IP addres that is not in the scope of the dhcp server.. Or your mac does not match who it has the lease out to, etc..

What do you have setup for your dhcp scope? What is the range of IP addresses you can hand out? Have you setup any reservations for specific mac addresses? Are you running any other devices on your network that would be requesting IPs, xbox, voip device, etc..?

If you want to know if your machine is actually requesting a renew and what it is getting back - grab a sniffer - say ethereal, and see what exactly is on the wire.. See what it gets back, if anything.. Do you have any other dhcp clients on your network? Are they having issues?

Post your scope, post your actual firmware version, etc.. And you shoudl be running the LATEST stable version of the firmware.. I am not up to speed on the exact version of firmware for the v3 befsr41 - but I do remember that past firmware releases corrected some dhcp issues, etc.. What specific firmware version are you running?

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OMFG just do what budman said do the static IP config and be done with it, its what i do and i have no errors at all JUST DO IT :angry:

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Here is an idea... use the warranty it exists for a reason.

There is always a percentage of hardware that fails. Hell Linksys support already told you to get a warranty replaced. Not to mention that they have an option where you get the router first and ship back the old one. You have NO good excuse not to use the warranty, it really seems you totally went the wrong direction in troubleshooting this issue. A warranty replacement for your router should have been in your top 5... i guess this is a good lesson to learn.

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Ok for starters, what would your modem have to do with your routers dhcp server?  NOTHING would be the correct answer.  The operation of the dhcp server has NOTHING to do with if your router has a valid wan connection or not.. you can disconnect your wan connection - and still hand out local ip addresses to your lan side, etc.

Your machine is not renewing its ip address.. Normally a dhcp client will "renew" its lease at the 50% of the lease time.. So if you get a 24 hour lease.. in 12 hours it will try and renew.. it it does not then at 50% of the time left it will try again, ie 6 hours, then 3, then 1.5, etc.. until finally it expires....

So either your nic and the linksys dhcp server do not like to play nice.. or a firewall could be blocking the request/response for the renew.

You have 1 machine?  Dude there is no need to run dhcp for 1 machine..  Set it to static and be done with it..  Are you running a firewall?  What do its logs say? Can you manually renew your lease?  ipconfig /renew

Your last error says the the dhcp server denied your renew.. a dhcpnack would be sent when a machine asked to renew an IP addres that is not in the scope of the dhcp server..  Or your mac does not match who it has the lease out to, etc..

What do you have setup for your dhcp scope?  What is the range of IP addresses you can hand out?  Have you setup any reservations for specific mac addresses?  Are you running any other devices on your network that would be requesting IPs, xbox, voip device, etc..?

If you want to know if your machine is actually requesting a renew and what it is getting back - grab a sniffer - say ethereal, and see what exactly is on the wire..  See what it gets back, if anything..  Do you have any other dhcp clients on your network?  Are they having issues?

Post your scope, post your actual firmware version, etc.. And you shoudl be running the LATEST stable version of the firmware.. I am not up to speed on the exact version of firmware for the v3 befsr41 - but I do remember that past firmware releases corrected some dhcp issues, etc..  What specific firmware version are you running?



i'll try explain everything.

1- i just talked about my modem, cause it have an DHCP server too, and i turned it off.

2- i don't think it's my NIC is not playing with the router, cause i'm getting the SAME problem in all my lan machines. (Mine, server and laptop).

3- As firewall, i'm using DEFAULT windows XP SP2 firewall.

4- I have four machines plugged to router, and i work with computers, so every day i plug a new computer on router, that's why i don't set STATIC IP's here.

5- YES, i can manually renew my IP. ipconfig /renew with no problems.

6- My ISP, don't require to MAC adress clone. So that option are DISABLED, under router config.

7- This screen, shows how my DHCP Server, are configured in ROUTER.


8- There's no reservation for specific MAC adress, and i'm not runnning any other devices in my router that's require IP's.

9- firmware version is 1.05.00. This is the unique build out for BEFSR41 V3 router.

Many thx for your time and help

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yep, i understood. I'm just trying everything i can do, before use the warranty.

I'll say, YES i DO all I CAN TO TRY FIX IT to linksys :(

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Ok dude you have "I have four machines plugged to router" - but you have a scope of only 4 addresses? And every day you plug a new computer into your router? Well this can cause problems..

I plug machine 1 in - mac adddress "abc" it gets .100 as an address.. If machine 1 is off the network for awhile you then hand out .100 to mac address "xyz" .. Or you reset the router or whatever - and then machine 1 comes back.. it will NOT be able to renew this address and will get a dhcpnack..

You need to run a bigger scope - there is NO reason that you should only have 4 addresses in your scope? You have a whole class C to work with - why would you use a 4 IP scope? Also I do not know how your disconnecting your machines - but you may want to release their lease before you pull them from the network.. This will free up the lease on the router so that it can give it to someone else.. And will prevent your machines from getting a dchpnack.

Here is what happens when you get a "dhcpnack"

"DHCP client receives a DHCPNak message, it must immediately discontinue using the IPv4 address configuration and return to the Initializing state."

This will cause you to loose your connection until a address can be rebound to the interface - it might be the same address, etc.. Or it could be a different one.

Off the top - I do not believe xp/2k release their lease on shutdown.. There is a windows dhcp option to tell the clients to do this. But your running linksys dhcp.. You could look to see if this can be set in the reg, or you could write a simple shutdown script to do it for you.. ie "ipconfig /release"

But increasing your scope should also remove the issue.. since it should reduce the chances of dhcpnack.. Since you will have more addresses to work with - and less likely that a machine will ask to renew an address that has a lease out to a different machine.

Here is a basic rundown of how dhcp works in the windows world -

Also - Just because you plug and unplug a machine from your switch does not mean they can not be static.. You mention a "server" why does he need a dhcp address?.. You have a pc and laptop.. why can they not be static? give them all an address say .10, .11, .12 - then run your dhcp scope for machines you work on.. this can be in the .100-150 range - hey yah got a whole C to work with, I think you can spare more than 4 ;)

This way you know your PC will always be .10 and your laptop .11, etc..

Increase your scope so that you have more addresses to work with, this alone could remove the problem.. Also machines that are "yours" can be set to static outside your scope.. Since you are plugging and unplugging machines from your limited 4 ports.. I would suggest you release their dhcp lease upon shutdown.. Also - if you are moving machines on and off your network all the time, and you want to work with a limited scope like that - then shorten the lease time.. So that the router will free up addresses faster..

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