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how do i exit a vbscript conditionally...


so, i was working on a vbscript today... and i simply want to exit the vbscript if the contents of an input box are empty or if it cancels.

that's it; no error checking, just hop out the bitch if the input is null

so... it goes like what?

because i can tell you







all don't work

i think i saw exit sub

but then i'd need to declare a sub, which i don't want to do; but i tried it any way, and it didn't work.

if strPath = "" then ______

or is there actually something like

if strPath = NULL then _____

that's be even better...

please help.



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Yes it's EXIT SUB, and yes you have to be in a procedure (or a function) to run ANY vbscript code.

So, it would be like:

Public Sub Test()

sInput = InputBox("Info")

If LEN(TRIM$(sInput)) = 0 Then Exit Sub

End Sub

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option explicit

'declaring variables

Dim strCompName

Dim objShell

Public Sub Test()

strCompName = inputbox("Enter the computer name that you need to view the agent on.", "ePO Agent Web")

If LEN(strCompName)=0 then exit sub

'creates a shell object to run the shell executable with

set objShell = WScript.createobject("wscript.shell")

'runs the executable

objShell.run ("%windir%\explorer.exe http://" & strCompName & ":8072")

exit sub

won't run

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Well, declare your variable inside your procedure.

And two, have you tried hard coding the values of this:

objShell.run ("%windir%\explorer.exe http://" & strCompName & ":8072")

Just to make sure it does run.

And, use the TRIM fucntion, just in case someone places in somes spaces in the InputBox, that was it will clean those out

Also error handling will help you find the issue.

So, you code should look like this:

Option Explicit

Public Sub Test()

Dim strCompName

Dim objShell

strCompName = inputbox("Enter the computer name that you need to view the agent on.", "ePO Agent Web")

If LEN(TRIM(strCompName)) = 0 Then Exit Sub

'creates a shell object to run the shell executable with

set objShell = WScript.createobject("wscript.shell")

'runs the executable

'objShell.run ("%windir%\explorer.exe http://" & strCompName & ":8072")

objShell.run ("c:\windows\explorer.exe http://www.google.com:8072")


objShell.run ("http://www.google.com:8072")


On Error Resume Next

Exit sub


Msgbox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description

End Sub

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call me crazy, but it won't execute anything within the sub; i moved the inputbox out of the public sub, and it executed. but when i moved it back in (even right below the sub), it won't execute.

that looks like good VB code, but is scripting a VBS different?

Sorry, i'm new to scripting and I do appreciate the help.



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VBS is a subset of VB, and yes I am typing VB code, but the values and functions are items available to VBS. (no need to appologize!!!!)

Ok, let me try this. Is this script to be run in a web page? If not, how EXACTLY are you running it. I'll take the time to recreate it, when i know how/where it's running.

We'll get it, eventually.

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I'm simply trying to run a VBS on my system. No webpages.. nothing.

this is really my first script, so i'm just getting used to the idea of objects, and stuff like that.

I do have experience with VB... not much, but some.

so i know END is a keyword (or whatever) in VB6 that will end the program.

no worky in VBScripts.

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Ok, this is on your system. I see. I have run out of time today Finish a bit of work, head home, guests over tonight for a mental-bash! ;) and a music gathering tomorrow. But I will have time to run a test on Sunday or Monday. (sorry)

If in the meantime you can state exactly what you are trying to achive. Not the code, but the business reason/logic. Just in case there is a better way to get what you want.

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all i'm trying to do is launch a web site on port 8072 and the computer name is the web server.

it's for ePolicy Orchestra; McAfee install agent type ****.

I figured it'd be a good place to start.

Thanks for all the time and attn.



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Thanks for all your input guys.... got this bitch.

Option Explicit

dim strCompName
dim objShell
dim LoopCount
dim i

LoopCount = 0

do while LoopCount = 0
strCompName = inputbox("Enter the computer name that you need to view the agent on.", "ePO Agent Web")

if StrCompName = "" then

	LoopCount = 1

elseif not LEN(trim(strCompName)) = 0 Then

	'creates a shell object to run the shell executable with
	set objShell = WScript.createobject("wscript.shell")

	'runs the executable
	objShell.run ("%windir%\explorer.exe http://" & strCompName & ":8072")
	LoopCount = 1

elseif LEN(trim(strCompName)) = 0 Then

	i = msgbox ("Chief, you gotta enter a computer name.", 1, "Invalid")

end if




Edited by bigflavor
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