Book to ready me for Football

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Well guys, I've played baseball all my life practically, 11 years. My junior year in high school I developed tendonitis and ended up tearing a muslce in my right arm. I played through pain my entire junior year and hung it up my senior year. I've always wanted to play football, but focused on baseball, I am now in my first year of college. I work at a local place near my house, The Baseball Academy. One of my older co-workers is a personal trainer there, weight lifting, agility camps, the sort. I've talked to him and plan on working out with him this entire year to get back into shape, loose some weight, and gain quickness. I am doubtful that I want to play baseball, I lost all love for the game, but that could change later on down the road. Im a big guy, 6'4" 290/95, and I have always been told I should've played football. I finally thought that if I trained for a full year and tried to walk-on at a JC I could possibly find a new love for a sport. Is it heard of someone not playing football in high school, but playing in college? I'm going to traing either way, to better my own health, but if towards the end I started power training I personally think I could be a good lineman and possibly play college football somewhere around my hometown and go to a Uni later on down the road. So what I'm asking is are there any good books for football about mental strength, or training for football that you guys would recommend?

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