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If you had ?5,000 to spend on an internet venture, what would you do?

Bear in mind all promotion/advertising, hosting, setup fees etc.

I'm looking for serious ideas, preferably something that is relatively new/hasn't been tried before, i.e. no hosting, search engines, etc.

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Ask Internet Users what they would want (Service wise) from the Internet.

Once you have a few suggestions that are plausable put out another survey asking how much they would pay for it?

At the end of the day you need a service people want and will pay money for.

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Don't go into something you don't know about.

Try doing research. There is no way to make quick money. I recommend you take the 5k and dump it into low risk long term stocks.

Maybe jump on those virtual stock market games where you play stocks with fake money and play it for a few month, get the feel of it and learn, then use real money in the stock market.

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