[NHL] Red Wings' Fischer collapses on bench

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Defenceman Jiri Fischer of the Detroit Red Wings was treated by emergency medical staff after collapsing on the bench during tonight's game against the Nashville Predators.

Initial but unconfirmed reports suggest Fischer may have been hit in the throat by a stick or a puck as he sat on the bench with 7:31 left in the first period. Video replays, however, showed Fischer leaning forward on the bench with his head down on the boards without evidence of any contact being made.

Medical crews appeared to be doing CPR on Fischer before he was taken out on a stretcher. Reports later said Fischer was loaded unconscious, but breathing on his own, into and ambulance and taken to a local hospital.

The Predators and Red Wings have gone to their dressing rooms and the game has been delayed until further notice.

Details to follow...


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Wow, that's horrible... he's a guy that always goes out 110%. He's not their best player, but he has one of the biggest hearts. I remember when he got in a fight and his face was COVERED in blood, but he never gave up.

Edit: Oh yeah, and if some of you think he's just one of those publicity do-gooders (as in not really a nice guy), he had a little girl with cancer (I believe it was) who he supported an entire season and hung out with. I believe the girl passed away unfortunately, but he was always helping her and her family out, and never wanted publicity made of it.

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Jiri Fischer is an underrated player who is a great role player. His past heart problems probably amounted to this seizure.

It is unfortunate. I'm glad that they postponed the game instead of continuing on. That really showed that they respect hockey as a game, not an entertainment system that disregards such instances as Fischer's seizure.

Luckily, Fischer is awake and talking. It is very good news.

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Thats quite shocking actually. Its good to see the teams pay their respect and not continue the game. I hope he will be alright and be in playing condition. Good luck!

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that was very shocking...when i saw the replay i was almost in tears....seeing his teammates rush a stretcher across the ice, and his fiancee running across the ice too.

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I read about it on NHL.com

It must have been an awful situation for everyone involved. Last i heard he has been discharged from hospital and is at home recovering. So he should be fine, which is a relief.

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went to the wings game last wednesday and they had 2 huge get well soon cards that fans were signing upon entry. a nice gesture, looks like he's gonna be alright.

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