Pistons, Knicks shopping for KG

should they trade him/to who  

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Die hard knicks fan here, and as much as I would love to have KG, if he came to the team right now it would have to be with a decent guard too, because Marbury would have to leave. Remember, Marbury wanted to be traded originally because he did not want to share the ball so much with KG. At this point I am all for getting rid of Marbury too, the Knicks are as bad as I have seen them in a very long time this year, and part of it fro me watching the games is that Marbury is just not liking Brown's system.

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I don't think KG would ruin anyone's chemistry. Look at how hard he tries to make his own team work. The guy just wants to win and will do whatever it takes.


Oh yeah man, I know... he only bitches every other day about how he's the only good player on his team :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah man, I know... he only bitches every other day about how he's the only good player on his team :rolleyes:


you have GOT to be kidding me? i spent my summers in MN and was there he was drafted. he is probably one of the most humble superstars save tim duncan in the NBA. i dont know what you watching or reading but, bitches about being the best player? back that up with some articles because i havent seen it. i have been following KG since he was drafted and to say that about him when there are people like T.O. on ESPN nightly is a travesty.

on the topic of him being traded, i'd be a fan of whatever team he goes to save the lakers. i will still be a t'wolves fan (being a sox fan will do it to you) but i am a KG fan and will root for him to succeed wherever he goes.

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Um, do you not remember the HUGE controversy about the comments he made saying he was the only player playing on his team a few years ago? How do I need to back THAT up? It was all over the freaking news!

Then he was calling Wally out quite a bit over last year about his effort. What more do you need?

Regardless of whether you spent your summers in Minnesota or not, EVERYONE heard his bitching about how he was the only player on his team a few years ago. I don't want someone like that on one of my teams. He may have been drafted humble, but things certainly changed.

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i remember latrell and sam bitching about contracts. i asked you to prove what u said with an article because i'd like ot see what you base ur statement on. i mentioned i spent my summers there to admit i was a t'wolves fan and have been for some time.

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If you've been a T'Wolves fan for sometime, or a fan of the NBA -- or, heck, even a fan of sports in general -- then you'd remember the huge problem KG had when he was quoted as basically saying he's the only talented player on that team, and how he later had a commercial that even said the same thing to play off of the bad situation as a joke.

Latrell Sprewell and Sam Cassell were last year. I already told you I am not talking about last year with the quote -- it was a few years ago (maybe 3 or 4, I believe). I said he had problems with Wally last year and all the previous years. You don't even need to follow the Wolves to know that -- it was all over the news.

As for a source -- what the heck do you want me to do? You try searching for anything specific related to Kevin Garnett and see how accurate a search you get on Google. It's not exactly easy, so it's hard to say "well, just give me proof" when you know darn well it's not an easy thing to get with the amount of publicity that KG gets.

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Here is what I could find, though...

NOV. 14, 2000

? Garnett reportedly confronted Wally Szczerbiak in the team training room and had to be restrained by teammateSource:b> http://www.geocities.com/garnetttribute/timeline.html

Q: Are you overpaid?

KG: Hell no. If anything I'm underpaid, with everything I do. That's a ridiculous question. I have to do everything for this team.

Q: Does it get you out of the first round?

KG: We'll get out of the first round when everybody does their part. Players, coaches, management, everybody. I can't do everything by myself. It'll get us past the first round if m-----------s do their part.Source:b> http://espn.go.com/magazine/palmer_20020715.html (part of the commercial I previously mentioned)

"I'm Minnesota," the Wolves' All-Star forward said. "The Target Center ... that's the Garnett Center!"

Garnett has said similar things, repeatedly, for a half-dozen years -- but it still was necessary housekeeping after his edgy TNT interview last week in which he was critical of management for the team's competitive flop last season. Those comments prompted TNT studio analyst Charles Barkley to call for Garnett to be traded and those comments sparked a flurry of media rumors about alleged deals. Source:b> http://www.startribune.com/stories/511/5744967.html

But here's the most interesting part of Thursday evening. In an interview aired by TNT before the game against Washington, Kevin Garnett directed critical remarks at the organization. The harshest seemed aimed at Kevin McHale, vice president of basketball operations.

Referring to the firing of Flip Saunders, Garnett said McHale "really in his heart wanted to coach. But he didn't want the responsibility of being a coach."

He explained by saying McHale wanted to draw up plays but not manage the athletes as men, not deal with all the egos involved. That sure sounded like a kick in the head to me.

"I did not want to coach," McHale insisted afterward. "If I wanted to coach, I'd be coaching right now."

He didn't appear even remotely shook up by the comments and was not buying into any sort of controversy. Garnett didn't seem too concerned about it all, either.

"I was just saying what I thought," Garnett said.Source:b> http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctime...rs/13197664.htm

I'll add more later if I can find them, but those are the first things I could find piled in all the other Kevin Garnett stuff (products, stats, etc).

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Garnett's a great guy and would be a good addition to either team...especially Detroit.

Can they guy not complain about his situation? It's not like MN has really done anything to make that team a true winner.

One of his best friends is Marbury, so the Knicks seem like the place he'll go if this goes through.

I ran into him and Marbury at a mall in Phoenix, and got to talk to them for about 15 minutes...both really good guys in my book.

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How is he going to be a good addition to Detroit? His ego would rage out of control in a situation like that. Saunders couldn't get Garnett's ego in check in Minnesota, so how's he going to get it in check in Detroit?

Garnett may be a good player, but he's a distraction. What makes him any different than a player like T.O.? Nothing does, that's what. He's been a distraction for that franchise, and it's not like he hasn't had good players to play with, BOOG -- Cassell, Sprewell, Wally, Billups, Olowokandi, etc. How is that not doing anything "to make that team a true winner"? They've done everything they can, bug KG is too much of an egomaniac for it to prosper.

Him going to Detroit would ruin all the chemistry that team has. Plus the rumor is that Rasheed would be going to the T'Wolves for him, and we all know how that would turn out for everyone involved.

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Here is what I could find, though...

I'll add more later if I can find them, but those are the first things I could find piled in all the other Kevin Garnett stuff (products, stats, etc).


link by link..

1: ok so he got into it with a teammate and? thats one teammate he has had out of how many? other than googs, what did he end up doing? marbury, what is he doing? is there anyone who's opinion actually counts saying he is a bad teammate? cassell quote about him being a bad teammate? sprewell?? oh and where is HE now?

2: a set? was that a tv commercial set? was that commercial for street cred? i mean the title is "Reinventing Kevin Garnett." the writer states passion you see ego. the ego i see is what is part of sports in general machismo of being the best and not showing fear to ur opponent. read the rest of the article too not just what supports ur argument.

3: you quoted part of it. read the whole article not the part that supports your feelings. maybe its me but after christian lattener, donyell marshall and isiah thomas, KG is about the only number one pick that has been a good person as well as a good player for the timberwolves since their inception. if your the first number one pick for a franchise to actually pan out to being a player of his level u'd realize that you brought something to the den. if there was no KG i think the wolves would be another clipppers or would have moved already.

4: that was critical of front office and mchale not his teammates and wasnt talking about mchale as a person but just what he felt that mchale wanted to do last year. i always fear when a player opens his mouth because people tend to take their opinion and make it out to be what they want it to be. again where does that prove he would wreck team chemistry?

now i know it cant be easy to find evidence to support you after a year, but your making him out to be like T.O? come on you cant really even believe that? i hope thats hyperbole because NO ONE is as bad as T.O. AND IM AN EAGLE FAN!!

your making him out to be a pariah and those links dont support imo. you dont have to prove it to me but those links wont sway me.

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You asked me for proof, so I gave you proof. Don't ask me for proof ever again if you're just going to disagree with facts. But, if you want to play that way:

1. I already told you these were what I could find. I can promise you he's gotten into it with more teammates than just Wally.

2. I did read the article... if you would even bother reading my other post and my notation, you'd know why I placed it there to begin with. (Which is BECAUSE THE COMMERCIAL WAS A SPOOF OF SOME COMMENTS HE PREVIOUSLY ACTUALLY DID MAKE)

3. No duh the Wolves would stink without KG. That's not what the debate is about, now is it? My point was that he'd ruin the Pistons' team chemistry. You were the one who argued this point, not me. Don't change the argument (your own argument, might I add) if you can't handle it.

4. So you mean to tell me that being critical of high-ranking employees of a team is not hurting team chemistry? It proves that he wrecks team chemistry because he was blaming a critical person in the construction of the team.

And, I was using T.O. as an extreme example. I was merely saying some of his actions are no different than other whiners like T.O. And obviously the links aren't going to sway you -- you're only going to believe what you want to.

Edited by Scorpio
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You asked me for proof, so I gave you proof. Don't ask me for proof ever again if you're just going to disagree with facts. But, if you want to play that way:

1. I already told you these were what I could find. I can promise you he's gotten into it with more teammates than just Wally.

2. I did read the article... if you would even bother reading my other post and my notation, you'd know why I placed it there to begin with. (Which is BECAUSE THE COMMERCIAL WAS A SPOOF OF SOME COMMENTS HE PREVIOUSLY ACTUALLY DID MAKE)

3. No duh the Wolves would stink without KG. That's not what the debate is about, now is it? My point was that he'd ruin the Pistons' team chemistry. You were the one who argued this point, not me. Don't change the argument (your own argument, might I add) if you can't handle it.

4. So you mean to tell me that being critical of high-ranking employees of a team is not hurting team chemistry? It proves that he wrecks team chemistry because he was blaming a critical person in the construction of the team.

And, I was using T.O. as an extreme example. I was merely saying some of his actions are no different than other whiners like T.O. And obviously the links aren't going to sway you -- you're only going to believe what you want to.


i didn't dont want to post it because this would continue on and on but i'm posting this and i'm done discussing it..

1. you have one case with wally and i havent heard of any with any other teammates he has had. i admit he did it with wally but you believe that if there were other players that had the same problem with KG word wouldnt have gotten around? and i gave you the point that yes it is hard to find proof a year later but proof of one incident with one teammate doesnt make KG a team chemistry wreaker.

2. "Garnett's answers are unscripted, shocking, refreshing and serious. What follows is part of the interrogation." its not a spoof of previous comments he made its a commercial and the comments i take with a grain of salt because it is a commerical. you may see more but i don't just a difference of opinion i guess.

3. the point of my third topic was not that the wovles would suck but saying how just as you see that as being a negative i see it different way. maybe its because im a timberwolves fan, maybe its because you dont like KG (and i'm not assuming you do).

4. i dont know what to say to you there because i remember him talking about mchale's coaching desires on TNT. He does critize the ownership for not spending money to put talent around him because he wants to win. last year he bitched about the casselll sprewell contract problems being a distraction that may equate to ruining team chemistry but i don't know. i just dont see all this dysfunction you see.

anyway i agree to disagree with you and dont worry i wont ask for proof because i see we see things different.

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kg shouldnt go to pistons cause again, itll somewhat derail the chemistry

kg shouldnt go to any team. hes minnesota.

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and it's not like he hasn't had good players to play with, BOOG -- Cassell, Sprewell, Wally, Billups, Olowokandi, etc.


Thanks for proving my point. Cassell was over the hill when he got there, Sprewell never met a shot he didn't like, Wally is a good backup, Billups is your only realy skilled player, but he left, and Olowokandi was/is a huge NBA bust.

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Thanks for proving my point.  Cassell was over the hill when he got there, Sprewell never met a shot he didn't like, Wally is a good backup, Billups is your only realy skilled player, but he left, and Olowokandi was/is a huge NBA bust.


"Thanks for proving my point" :laugh:

Oh BOOG... you slay me sometimes.

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My point was that he hasn't had a good team since he's been there! In your attempt to show me that he has had the players, you rattled your 'all world' players of the likes of Cassell, Sprewell, Wally, Billups, and *stifles laughter* Olowokandi.

If you are saying those are great players, then you really need to get out more. :laugh:

He hasn't been on a great team yet. You proved it by letting us all know the world of mediocrity he's had on his team. So yeah. Thanks for validating me....unless you are gonna mention other stellar players like Joe Smith. :laugh:

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When Shaq was playing for the western conference, it started a shift of power to the west where teams had to get the big players to contend with the lakers, knowing the road to the playoffs and the championship will have to go through LA. Now that shaq is back in the east, at least for the few more effective years he has left, you'll see a shift of power back to the east. The big stars of the west will be offered a lot of money to go east, KG included.

There are only two ways KG will get traded, and it might require both for it to happen:

1) If KG demands for a trade. Usual he likes to stay loyal to the team, but losing got to him, and he needs a change, plus he doesn't like McHale. And teams don't like to keep players that are disgruntle. Look at Carter and Shaq, both demanded for a trade and got their wishes.

2) Minnesota gets something good in return, like one or more equal talents. Not sure what the knicks can offer in terms of talents, but if KG demands a trade, I'm sure they can work something out, usually involves lots of compensation$.

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My point was that he hasn't had a good team since he's been there!  In your attempt to show me that he has had the players, you rattled your 'all world' players of the likes of Cassell, Sprewell, Wally, Billups, and *stifles laughter* Olowokandi.

If you are saying those are great players, then you really need to get out more.  :laugh:

He hasn't been on a great team yet.  You proved it by letting us all know the world of mediocrity he's had on his team.  So yeah.  Thanks for validating me....unless you are gonna mention other stellar players like Joe Smith.  :laugh:


If you're saying these players are not great then you need to go to a shrink. I'm guessing you didn't see the MVP Billups won in the NBA Finals, Wally being named to the all-rookie team (and averaging 15 points a game his entire career), Sam Cassell averaging ALMOST 20 POINTS PER GAME his first year as a Wolf (and a respectable 13.5 last year... over the hump my ass, BOOG), and Olowokandi averaging a good 9 points his entire career (not to mention 7.3 rebounds per game his entire career and the fact that everyone was trying to lure him away from the Clippers not too long ago).

Seriously, BOOG. If you're just going to try and make others look stupid by putting silly things in like "*stifles laughter*", then you shouldn't be talking in the first place. You've done nothing to back up your argument other than say KG hasn't had any help and just spew your opinions with nothing to back it up.

Minnesota has been a perennial playoff team and contender. To say that the management there has done nothing to help KG out is absolutely and utterly stupid. If KG wasn't there, would they be a worse team? Yeah, but I'm willing to bet they'd still be able to make it to the playoffs. You can't say a team like that isn't helping KG. I don't know why you seem to think his 20-someodd points a game are the only points scored in a game, and how he single-handedly beats every team.

I'm still waiting to see you post a KG-on-1,000,000 people with KG winning with his arms tied behind his back comment.

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if KG goes to knicks it'll be like kobe bryant and the lakers / AI and the 76ers.. they won't get far..

as for KG going to the Pistons.. i don't really care, the pistons are great the way they are now. sure they can be better with KG on there, but meh..

thats my opinion..

btw. Dec. 11 Clippers VS Pistons.. I"M GOING TO SEE THE GAME 3rd ROW! BABY!! :woot:

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