Official 2005 NBA Basketball Thread

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thanks to Con for pointing out that we didn't have a thread.

anyways, i just want to state that i'll probably be a little more active in here this year. ever since my fantasy league started, i went from not caring at all about NBA, to being completely obsessed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

last game i went to was against the Pistons.. who killed the clippers :happy: first time seeing my favorite team in life.. and its the only schedualed game they have with the clippers (@ LA)

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i got my ps2 last night... of the 6 games i got, i've only opened NBA live 06 and i only paused it to watch the Pistons rape the Spurs and continued on my season :happy:

just taking a break now ;)

didn't care to watch the lakers game.. but i did see highlights for kobe and that guy is freaking amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i went to the clippers vs lakers game..


first half kobe had only 8pts and didn't do ****.. then all of the sudden.. comes out of no where and just kills them..

picture this.. it was a clipper home game.. by the end of the 3rd quarter, there were no clippers fans.... there were no lakers fans.. it was all KOBE fans.. it was great..

now there's just one more game i want to go to.. Lakers vs. Pistons :happy:

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lol, so he only scored 41...he's still absolutely unstoppable right now.

anyone see that fight between allen and some other dude??

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  • 2 weeks later...

so... how about them pistons eh? ............

i think there's only 3 people who care about basketball in the regular season... the rest don't care until it nears playoffs.. well, we're half way there now..

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I'm disappointed in my Heat ... stupid Pat Riley :no:

Try being a Warriors fan. So much talent, so much potential, so many fans in the Bay Area supporting's getting frustrating.

As far as regular-season NBA goes...I guess I'm one of those 3. I hang on every damn Warriors game throughout the season and I try to watch as many other games as I can.

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Try being a Warriors fan. So much talent, so much potential, so many fans in the Bay Area supporting's getting frustrating.

As far as regular-season NBA goes...I guess I'm one of those 3. I hang on every damn Warriors game throughout the season and I try to watch as many other games as I can.

lol, I was the one who noticed we didn't have an NBA thread :whistle:

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