Who here likes sports ?

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i was bored so...

right now i'm practising weight lifting and running

i've been practising swimming but this month the gym is on vacations

in September or October i will probably start practising tennis...

do you like sports and

what (not wot or wut) are you practising right now or will in the future ?

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I play Football on a very regular basis, used to play Rugby quite a lot, play a bit of tennis and cricket as well :p

Although I'm becoming an old man, my joints aren't what they used to be :old: :dead:

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i was 2nd in singles in tennis in highschool and 4th in doubles in the state. i mt bike like once a week and just went skiing last week.. yes you can ski in the summer in mt hood oregon. its open all year...

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i played tennis and soccer in HS. tennis was more fun to play for me because we usually lost in soccer and i'm more of a 'do it by myself' person. losing because someone *else* sucks really drags me down. i don't play much of anything but pingpong now ;) - oh and i like to watch football (not play tho).

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sports i like to watch:

ping pong, volleyball, lacrosse, auto racing, everything in espn's x-games just about.

i play ping pong but that's about it. is 9ball a sport? hehe i play that from time to time and like to watch that too, i used to skateboard and i used to play volleyball.

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Football. Liverpool FC for ever!

I do agree with caustiK - losing because someone else is useless sucks. However, this isn't usually a problem because it's me that causes us to loss, not someone else :)

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I played on my high school baseball team for two years and I play golf every few weeks. Anyone else here play golf?

Oh yeah, I also consider myself a cyberathlete. (Quake III, CS, WC3, SC...etc)

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I like playing soccer, except with jackasses who complain about the referees. Also I go biking every few days.

wow people hate the refs there too? i thought it was just over here ;) seriously though, i've been a ref since i quit playing soccer and it is just a pain in the neck sometimes! *screams and/or yanks out hair* :mad:

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Extreme sports are so much more fun, I'm surpised I'm the first to mention it. I used to mountain bike semi-competively but I much prefered going down hills at break-neck speeds. I've taken it a bit easier lately, but I'll jump back in at some point.

Hmm.. I why's no one mentioning martial arts. Drunken boxing anyone.... not against me I hope!!!

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mmm sports...

i played baseball, golf, rugby, soccer, and lacrosse in college...lost my baseball scholarship over the other three but it was fun.

outside of "organized" sports, i play all sorts of games:

- beer games

- who can stare at the boobies the longest

- and various other "athletic activities" with the girlfriend...ha

i try to stay active in at least one type of sport so i can keep in shape...kinda balances out those long nights of playing counterstrike and morrowind. i think you have to workout at least a little bit to stay in shape etc. If I got fat...one no girls would shag me...two, i'd probably be called "fat *******"...and three, i probably couldn't do the things i like to do...like play football or baseball or basketball. It feels good to be able to do things when i want to do them no matter what it is, where it is, or who its with...not to mention my brothers kid loves it when i hold her upside down and swing her around.

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