CBC Olympic Cartoons

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The first one was a reference to the fact that amateur atheletes in Canada get little financial compensation and often have to spend their own money to get to the olympics.

The second one was about Denmark, pretty self-explanitory.

The third one was about corporate sponsorship taking over the olympics.

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The third one is classic so is the 2nd one, as for the first, heh I think "professional" atheltes have about as much rights for sponsership as kids playing in a sandbox do.

Except for hockey and a few other sports most olympian athletes are amateurs.

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Except for hockey and a few other sports most olympian athletes are amateurs.

Hmm, that does change things I guess, although I've seen a few sob stories on CBC before, I dunno, I'm kinda on 2 minds about it, really if I wanted to sit and play PC all day to represent Canada in some CPL or something like that I wouldn't have a chance in hell getting anything from government, the olympics have as one of those cartoons show devolved into a big joke.

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The 2nd cartoon pretty well sums it up.

I think ALL Olympians including hockey players be Amateurs.

I don't quite agree with NHL or other pro hockey league players, playing in the olympics.

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Why? Theyre atheletes in the same sense as someone who does the luge or snowboarding. Why should people with a gifted talent, hard work and devotion to the sport be stricken the opportunity to play in the Olympics? If these 'amateurs' were good, they'd be in the NHL anyways. There is no justification in denying someones opportunity to participate in the Olympics because of their jobs, even if that job includes being a profesional athlete. How is being a pro-athlete any different from a gymnast or skiier who trains, practices and competes every day against the best in their sport?


and btw, the comics weren't even funny at all. The overall message might be amusing to some, but the cartoons themselves are (N)

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