Corono Hybrid Beta

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  • 3 weeks later...

fark!! that is some sweet stuff...its like an exact clone of chance of making main colours of the skin ya kno with WMP9 u can change the colour of it..maybe make up the skin with primary colours?

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Yup, great theme

it should work with titlebars set at 18 too....i absolutely hate themes that have the titlebar way at size 25...its so annoying and everyone of them i change down to 18 look horrid :l

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Hi folks, should be posting an update to the corona hybrid theme within a couple days. Still working out bugs etc, as well as working on a Trillian Pro corona hybrid skin as well. Try to finish em soon as possible. Thanx:)


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I really like the change in style in the Display Properties windows. Good Job. Microsoft should of changed the style of that windows a long time ago. If someone from Microsoft downloads this maybe they can learn what we the consumers want and not what they think we want. What they think we want is usually the exact opposite of what we want. Keep up the good work on this theme. Looking forward to the final.

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I just sent you a emial message with some basic inforamtion. If you want anything else just reply to my email and I'll get back to you. And again sorry for the late response but I was watching TV and I went out to dinner with my family before that. Thank you for being patient.

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