Canada - Sweden in Lillehammer 1994

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Here are some great pictures of the great final of the olympic hockey final between Sweden and Canada in 1994. The commentary is in Swedish but the pictures are just great. Just look at the last save, its soo great.

Hopefully we will see a rerun of this in the final game on Sunday. Though Sweden hasnt played very well in the olympics yet.

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I'm relieved Canada didn't make it to the semi-finals because I don't want to meet them in the finals (loose-loose situation if your gf is canadian).

Russia played well and just wanted it more, but I agree Sweden haven't been playing all that well so I'm not getting my hopes up.

Yeah, I have to admit our team seem to be playing quite unreliably... :-/ No idea how they'll do against the Czech in the semi-finals really. There is potential in there, but it looks to be a completely different question whether they'll be able to use it.

It doesn't come to me as a surprise that Canada lost to Russia. The Russians simply played harder and with more heart. Well we've got an all-European hockey finals happening. Despite Canada's lack of presence at the game, I'll still watch it. It's definitely a change and should be exciting.

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