New coach to England after WC06

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Seems there is a big chance Luis Felipe Scolari will become the next English football coach after the world cup.

The latest rumor is that the FA executive-chief Brian Barwick went to Lisbon to talk to Scolari and the Portuguese Football Federation.

Scolari seems not to be the favourite between the public taking in consideration the latest survey from BBC:

38% O'Neill, Celtic (ex-coach)

32% Scolari, brazilian and actual Portuguese coach

16% Allardyce from Bolton Wanderers

10% McLaren from Middlesbrough

The English Federation seems to prefer Scolari due his high international experience over the national coaches and his World Title with Brazil counts alot too.

He has been doing a great job with Portugal. Managed to bring the portuguese team to the latest Euro final (lost against Greece) and qualified to the WC06 as first on their group.

The FA thinks too about the money too, with Scolari they will save more than USD 2 million per year compared to Eriksson.

Someone from England to share more about this ?

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Would be nice to have an english coach again, both McClaren and Allardyce are brilliant in my opinion. However you cannot deny Big Phil has some serious experience and is more than qualified.

My main qualm with Eriksson, although i do think he's done an excellent job is he seemingly lack of passion.

Allardyce would be screaming at them from the touchline if they were doing badly, with all his heart, whereas Eriksson would stay quiet and talk about it in the dressing room.

Yes obviously they both have different coaching styles but i really think a passionate coach is very inspiring.

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While it would be good to have an English manager, their simply dont seem to be the managers available that could take us to that glory. McLaren works with Sven now and has had a good season at Boro (got to the UEFA Cup final - albeit with a bit of luck), but he was also under pressure a couple of months back and looked set to get the chop. Allardyce is a great manager and seems to have good man management skills, he has a lot of passion and he would be my choice if we had to have an Englishman. Curbishley is a good manager who has been at Charlton for 15 years I think now and he has single handedly built the club, he is yet to qualify for Europe though and Charlton have been midtable for the last couple of seasons. Martin O'Neill is the least impressive manager on the shortlist, but everyone seems to love him nevertheless, he took Celtic to a few championships but that is not that hard really, he did well at Leicester but nothing other than that, his wife is also very ill which is why he left Celtic in the first place.

Scolari has won the World Cup in 2002 and got to the final of Euro 2004, in both tournaments he beat England quite convincingly, this probably indicates something to the FA? He is a proven international manager and that is probably something we need. Passion plays a big part but also the knowledge of international football is very important as well because it is not like the Premiership. Scolari has said he does not want to talk about his future until after the World Cup in Germany, but to be honest I think that Scolari will get the job anyway and it would not be a bad decision to be honest.

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Looks like Scolari wont be getting the job after all.

Luiz Felipe Scolari has sensationally withdrawn his interest in becoming England's next coach.

The current Portugal national team boss announced his decision at a press conference in Germany, where he was expected to provide an update on the England situation.

But while the expectation was for the Brazilian to either confirm, or deny, if he had already agreed to replace Sven Goran Eriksson, Scolari declared he no longer wanted the job.

Scolari has claimed the huge interest over the past 24 hours has prompted him to pull out of the process for succeeding Eriksson after the World Cup.

After The Football Association's chief executive Brian Barwick returned to England on Thursday, following talks with Scolari, there was a mass media scrum outside the Brazilian's house.

He has decided the intrusion into his personal life is not something he wishes to live with and he has stated he will not be England's next coach.

"I will not be the next England coach," affirmed Scolari. "I was one of numerous candidates.

"I will be the Portugal coach until the end of the World Cup. Portugal at this moment cannot cope with a coach negotiating with other federations - they don't really need it at the time being.

"Yesterday I talked with a few friends who helped in my decision. There were 20 reporters in front of my house - that was too much and I didn't like it all.

"I don't like this pressure so I will definitely not be coach of England.

"I have been in talks with the English FA and I want to thank the Portuguese Federation president (Gilberto Madail) for giving me the chance to talk to them.

"I am not and will not be the England coach, but I am happy the English federation (FA) remembered my name and I expect them to name the new coach in the days to come.

"It was an interesting offer with several interesting options and I really thought about it for a long time."

Scolari's decision has placed The FA back at square one in their hunt for a successor to Eriksson.

The Swede is leaving after the World Cup finals and many within the game had been aghast at the possibility of a second consecutive foreign appointment.

The FA are now likely to look closer to home for Eriksson's replacement, with Middlesbrough manager Steve McClaren previously the favourite.

Bolton Wanderers boss Sam Allardyce and Charlton Athletic chief Alan Curbishley have also been under consideration, along with former Northern Ireland international Martin O'Neill.

Following Scolari's statement, The FA confirmed they will now consider their position regarding the appointment of the next England coach.

"It is no secret that Mr Scolari is one of the candidates that The FA has spoken to as part of the recruitment process," said The FA in a statement.

"We will now reflect on his announcement before making any further comment as we move forward with the process."

A shame :(

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I'm glad I think the managers should have the same rule as the players, you're either english or have english blood or you aint getting into the england set up at all.

Although he's got a good record I don't care, one of our managers needs a chance or they don't get the chance to get a good record, Sam Allardyce has done wonders with bolton wanderers excuse the pun. And he's had limited funds and also Alan Curbishley, both have very good potential, just let's see who gets it now, surely an English manager I hope.

Edited by ZiGGA
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I think that is only to draw attention out of him, i sincerely believe he will take the job.

They just dont want to create any big subject now, just because we are so close to the WC06.

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Steve McLaren got the job today, I would of preferred Sam Allardyce though but I am not complaining :). McLaren is already working with England as Sven's assistant anyway and people were saying he was being groomed to take over when Sven left.

England's first choice was Scolari, so what kind of message does this send to McLaren? That there are not that many English managers capable of managing our team? Good luck to Steve McLaren though :)

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