hacked watercolor i have done in the past

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hey guys.... umz been bzzz past few days... had to upgrade/reinstall OS, hardware failure :( .... choose to install linux instead of xp :p

but seeing how it seems alot of ppl want that theme, with binary's bleessing, i'll get it hosted on themexp.org and/or some other theme sites aleni?? wanna host this theme?...

but the issue is, the backup version i have on cd has the actually winxp flag.... (due the the bootup bug i wrote in an earlier post... that was my initial design but HAD to change it back :( )

-CHANGES I'VE MADE from memory....


-colour tweaks

-fixed resize issue...

-removed shellstyle

Are the changes great enough to warrent a new name? etc u guys decide :old:

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I find it "ironic" that Binary pi$$e$ and moan$ about people using his theme, while he uses the Napster logo for his avatar!

Way to stay consistent!

At least I own my avatar. Furthermore, why would you make a theme, not distribute it, but talk about it relentlessly on Neowin for any reason other than to stoke your own over inflated ego.

Dont get me wrong dude - your themes rock. but c'mon when you make something hot that should in it own right be free send it out.

Get over yourself

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Binary Sez:

Of course you guys can mod them and trade them to each other in private, or make your own fresh watercolor theme. Even if you use my theme as a base for a newer version I have no problems with that, as long as it's not an exact replica.

But I'm sure he copies others music . . .

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Just one small question, why is everyone suddenly wanting to rip my hard work apart and post it? There was never an interest before in changing the theme, like there is now. As I have said b4 I DO NOT condone people using my theme as a base unless they have made some significant changes to it.. or made a watercolor theme from scratch, like I had to do. It took me well over a year now to get the theme to the point where it is, and that wasnt by chance. It's not like I just threw together the MS graphics, alot of the graphics however minute were made by me, or at least redone by me so they would work properly, and God knows how hard it is to get all the settings right. So I'm not trying to be a prick here, but have some respect for the work I have done on the theme. I dont want people changing 2 small things then releasing it after all the hard work I have done. I will be releasing a watercolor 5.0 soon, or at least a 4.1, because I have installed stylebuilder on my other computer, and can work on it now. If people wanted so many small changes, why can't they do it themselves? I just don't get it. I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a total prick, but lets see you guys work on a theme for a year, then have people take it and *******ize it.


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Originally posted by Eth3l

I find it "ironic" that Binary pi$$e$ and moan$ about people using his theme, while he uses the Napster logo for his avatar!

Way to stay consistent!

At least I own my avatar. Furthermore, why would you make a theme, not distribute it, but talk about it relentlessly on Neowin for any reason other than to stoke your own over inflated ego.

Dont get me wrong dude - your themes rock. but c'mon when you make something hot that should in it own right be free send it out.

Get over yourself

I shouldnt even dignify this with any reply but, my logo is actually the naspter4be symbol (BeOS) and I use it as an icon for my teknap client. Cause it looks cool. Ok? thanks, please flame somewhere else ;)


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Originally posted by Binary

Just one small question, why is everyone suddenly wanting to rip my hard work apart and post it? There was never an interest before in changing the theme, like there is now. As I have said b4 I DO NOT condone people using my theme as a base unless they have made some significant changes to it.. or made a watercolor theme from scratch, like I had to do. It took me well over a year now to get the theme to the point where it is, and that wasnt by chance. It's not like I just threw together the MS graphics, alot of the graphics however minute were made by me, or at least redone by me so they would work properly, and God knows how hard it is to get all the settings right. So I'm not trying to be a prick here, but have some respect for the work I have done on the theme. I dont want people changing 2 small things then releasing it after all the hard work I have done. I will be releasing a watercolor 5.0 soon, or at least a 4.1, because I have installed stylebuilder on my other computer, and can work on it now. If people wanted so many small changes, why can't they do it themselves? I just don't get it. I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a total prick, but lets see you guys work on a theme for a year, then have people take it and *******ize it.


*******ize it ??? wtf they only make it better dude..

just look at what you did. we had the watercolor "final" as u said

and then you started playing with it to your own taste and look

you got a badass theme that everyone wants, and i agree with Eth3l to the point that you use napster and not share you own work... that's kinda fuxed.

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Originally posted by antoxicion

*******ize it ??? wtf they only make it better dude..

just look at what you did. we had the watercolor "final" as u said

and then you started playing with it to your own taste and look

you got a badass theme that everyone wants, and i agree with Eth3l to the point that you use napster and not share you own work... that's kinda fuxed.

Oi. Once again, who says I use napster? I do actually buy cd's tyvm, because I support the artist. But thats not the point here. I simply stated my stance on the whole deal. And if people want to disrespect my hard work, then I just wont do anymore on that or any other themes, and thats how you can lose artists. I'm not trying to be arrogant, and I know I have flamed people for feeling the way I do right now, but I was never in this position. Now everyone who's anyone is here disecting my hard work. Sorry but it kind of hurts.


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Originally posted by Binary

Oi. Once again, who says I use napster? I do actually buy cd's tyvm, because I support the artist. But thats not the point here. I simply stated my stance on the whole deal. And if people want to disrespect my hard work, then I just wont do anymore on that or any other themes, and thats how you can lose artists. I'm not trying to be arrogant, and I know I have flamed people for feeling the way I do right now, but I was never in this position. Now everyone who's anyone is here disecting my hard work. Sorry but it kind of hurts.


if it wasnt for sharing on the internet a sh|tload of music artists

would never be so popular right now. and that's a fact. right now

you can be how you are known only here neowin or you can be

known by other themers and even by the original author microsoft

who knows? maybe they'll contact you and ask for your them, would you give it to them then? or would you be a prick and keep it to yourself .. this is my last post on this thread... this guy a ............ i wont ever say it.

people like you make me sick.

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I too know how hard it is to create a theme.... i'm working (was)on a couple of projects til my primary hdd decided to expire... :(

damn faulty ibms.... NEVER BUY IBM HDDS.... :dead:

neway not gonna rant on....

but yeh... its really hard... and i dont think ppl should judge binary until they've tried creating one... albit edit a theme... i'm still using other ppl's themes as a base.... a. coz i cbf editing colors from the start.... b. i like their gyphs/graphics.... but slowly i might decide to start something from scratch....

btw does anyone noe when u change a property in stylebuilder from boarderfill to imagefill... how to make Imagefile and a choosefile come up???? i cant seem to find it anywhere... :disappoin :ninja:

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Originally posted by antoxicion

if it wasnt for sharing on the internet a sh|tload of music artists

would never be so popular right now. and that's a fact. right now

you can be how you are known only here neowin or you can be

known by other themers and even by the original author microsoft

who knows? maybe they'll contact you and ask for your them, would you give it to them then? or would you be a prick and keep it to yourself .. this is my last post on this thread... this guy a ............ i wont ever say it.

people like you make me sick.

Sorry you feel that way.

Music sharing has nothing to do with this, I dont even know why it was brought up, kinda stupid imo. And ALOT of people know me all over the net, you think I only hang out at neowin?!?! And thats why I dont want rips/minute changes, because then people PM me, MSN me, and Mail me about bugs that some other person has added to my theme. I'm sorry you dont see it my way. But I wont try to change your views. :)


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Originally posted by antoxicion

if it wasnt for sharing on the internet a sh|tload of music artists

would never be so popular right now. and that's a fact. right now

you can be how you are known only here neowin or you can be

known by other themers and even by the original author microsoft

who knows? maybe they'll contact you and ask for your them, would you give it to them then? or would you be a prick and keep it to yourself .. this is my last post on this thread... this guy a ............ i wont ever say it.

people like you make me sick.

Hey! Hee's an idea....leave the genius Binary alone, and have a nice warm cup of STFU.

It's people like YOU that make US sick.

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Binary -

Music sharing has alot to do with this.

You created somehting, and dont want people messing with it.

Musicians create soemthing and dont want people messing with it.

You do not want others to distribute your works

Musicians do not want others to distribute their works, and make money they should have made.

You use the Napster4be or whatever logo because it looks good. Great, did you make it? Did you ask the artists for permission to use it?

By use of that logo you appear to promote file sharing, yet do not properly partake in filesharing. Rather you tease people with great looking themes and then get all pi$$y about it.

Again dude, your themes rock - hell I use Watercolor4, it looks fnatastic. And the modified theme on this page looks great too. Let the dude release it.

If you do not want people contacting you about it . . . Dont relaese your email! duh.

Here is a suggestion - file for copyright protection on all your themes, then sell the license to use your theme. Chances are you can get enough people to pay 5 bucks for a collection of your themes.

Then when someone mods it you can sue them.

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Ahh....any week (or month!!) on Neowin just wouldnt be the same without controversy over rips...

Anyway heres my 2 cents..

1) Despite this theme being based off an MS theme, all the images were painstakingly made by Binary, so therefore it's his work so you cant go around changing the start menu button and saying you made it.

2) Since it's Binarys hard work, if you want to base work off it or mod it you can do so, but if you want to distribute it just ASK THE POOR MAN. He's not an evil blood sucking vampire who will hunt you down and make you his eternal minion ...though having never met him i cant vouch for this...:ponder: Anyway, it's just a simple matter of courtesy, and im sure Binary will give you a fair answer.

3) It surprises me how quickly people overreact (im no saint, ive done this myself) to a message and start attacking each other..

Now everybody,

Lets stop the flame wars, everybody hold hands..yes im talking to you! and sing kum-by-ah.

(I wonder how long it'll be b4 someone flames me for saying this) (I say about 10 mins)

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oh btw. If you wonder why I chose neowin to release updates, it's because I felt the userbase was honest and for the most part I see that people here DO respect theme authors, plus the mods are doing their job warding off dumbasses, it feels like home ;)


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Originally posted by Binary

oh btw. If you wonder why I chose neowin to release updates, it's because I felt the userbase was honest and for the most part I see that people here DO respect theme authors, plus the mods are doing their job warding off dumbasses, it feels like home ;)


Aww...*tear. :cool:
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For as many times as I have seen posts about ripping music and usign Kazaa/Napster/Audio Galaxy and the Blatent disrespect and abuse of musicians work I am shocked and horrified by Binary's remarks.

Dude, again the themes rock. But Locking with posts on this site while using the Napster4Be or whatever, logo as your Avatar, i.e. visual representation of who you are is Hypocritical!

I support you dude, but if you make something like this, that everyone here wants, and then lock ti down because you worked so hard for it, and ask us why you should just give your hard work away flies in the face Napster, and the file sharing community.

Your reason for not releasing it because of a deluge of emails is good, but simply do not distribute your email address, or not respond to the emails!

but let the dude release this modded theme and bring some consistency to your posts.

I am not trying to be an a$$, or flame, but Binary's response to this whole thing is egocentric and hypocritical

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Originally posted by umes

He's not an evil blood sucking vampire who will hunt you down and make you his eternal minion

Some people would argue that ;)

evil maybe, blood sucking probably, but we all know vampires dont really exist :p Unless you count that occult deal, but even they arnt immortal.

I think I am being fair, like I said you guys can go trade them in private, like I care, but just dont release these small mods to the masses, thats all I ask, and certainly flaunting the rips on a board I am known to frequent is sorta a slap in the face :) I dont mind, I got thick skin :D It just hurts to see people really digging down and criticizing a theme you love. Honestly if you guys have gripes post them in my watercolour thread, Maybe I will make a separate choice in the theme that can include new ideas, I just wanted to make this as close to the original as possible, that was my mission, and I think I've come pretty close. Maybe we can all work together on a substyle in the theme, because there are some really good ideas floating around, and some really good artists.



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Gee-z's ****....damn it Eht3l, leave it be already. No one needs to listen to you bitch about some user on the board. This just sure way of getting yourself flamed by the users of this board. We all see what you are talking about but most of us don't really care. Leave it be.

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Originally posted by Eth3l

For as many times as I have seen posts about ripping music and usign Kazaa/Napster/Audio Galaxy and the Blatent disrespect and abuse of musicians work I am shocked and horrified by Binary's remarks.

Dude, again the themes rock. But Locking with posts on this site while using the Napster4Be or whatever, logo as your Avatar, i.e. visual representation of who you are is Hypocritical!

I support you dude, but if you make something like this, that everyone here wants, and then lock ti down because you worked so hard for it, and ask us why you should just give your hard work away flies in the face Napster, and the file sharing community.

Your reason for not releasing it because of a deluge of emails is good, but simply do not distribute your email address, or not respond to the emails!

but let the dude release this modded theme and bring some consistency to your posts.

I am not trying to be an a$$, or flame, but Binary's response to this whole thing is egocentric and hypocritical

Well it does look like your being an ass. I have never even said I use P2P software so where are you getting these silly ideas from!??!?! I can use WHATEVER avatar I want to. I doesnt necessarily represent who I am, what about that guy with a monster in his avatar, is he a monster?!?! Like come on grow up. I wont respond to your silly remarks anymore. If you want to attack my beliefs then you can PM me, and I will certainly have some "nice" things to say back to you :D

/me hold's his tongue.


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So you dont use P2P software, but will use the logo from the Premiere Godfather of P2P software.

Again, did you get permission from the artist for that Avatar? I am sure he worked hard on it!

(thats a flame)

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My view on it -

Binary's avatar is just an avatar. Sheeeezus! It's not like he had a total makeover to make that the end-all be-all look for himself in order to represent some kind of deeper side of himself about sharing music. His avatar has nothing to do with this, therefore it is an illogical concept to bring into this argument. It's like saying someone working at McDonald's is hypocritical because he/she doesn't like the food there... There's nothing wrong with that, and I've seen this situation with a lot of people.

If you wanna bring music into this situation, which is another completely different arguement, I don't think people go around downloading Britney Spears or P. Diddy tracks only to modify them, release them with an nfo file giving credit to all the had work people put on the tracks and their e-mails, along with credit given to the author of the mod.

The e-mail situation is about him receiving e-mails and questions about OTHER people's mods that are released. He gives out his e-mail so that people can ask him about HIS theme, not some mod of it.

Peoples shouldn't be complaining... Binary is a very respectful themer who gives his stuff out for free. Don't ask for more when you're already given so much.

Great work binary.

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Originally posted by Osiris

hrmm well indeed make me fire up stylebuilder just for this.

Im rather dissapointed in that, I mean I created the first Longhorn themes, you didnt see me running around banning every modded and copied one out there, but theres 1000 of them out there now isnt there.

there u go

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