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Brittish Isles XI, Football team..England Ireland Scotland Wales

ah, hmmm, i know in=m irish...but ireland is part of the BRITTISH ISLES, wheather we like it or not.....the British isles is a geograplical area not a political one..... :no:

The Repubic of Ireland is not part of the British Isles.

Their currency is euro's for starters, they don't have seats in the UK Parliament.

They are a self running country under their own control.

Northern Ireland is part of Britain.

UK is Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England.

The republic (hence their name go read what the republic means) of Ireland are not part of the British Isles.

Union flag contains the flags of, Northern Ireland, Scotland and England.

Britain is Wales, England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Olympics we are Great Britain and NI (Northern Ireland).

Lovell got it in one....

British Isles = England, Scotland, Wales, Republic Of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Britain = England, Scotland and Wales

UK = England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Or how about the Wikipedia, encyclopedia, do you know somthing they dont?

The British Isles is a geographical and ecological term for the archipelago of islands off the northwest coast of Europe, including Great Britain, (the largest island in the group), the Isle of Man, Ireland, and several thousand smaller adjacent islands. The geographical term British Isles is not synonymous with the United Kingdom, since it includes the crown dependencies such as the Isle of Man, and (usually) includes the Republic of Ireland. British derives originally from Britto or Priteni, the Celtic or pre-Celtic people who populated the islands before the Roman invasion.

Lovell got it in one....

Or how about the Wikipedia, encyclopedia, do you know somthing they dont?

The isle of mann is also self run.

If Ireland is part of Britain then why then do ireland compete at the Olympics as Ireland, hold no seats in our parliament and are a ''REPUBLIC''?

No, you are mistakinG the Brittish isles for the term Britain.

For example the americas is the continent of america but is canada usa mexico etc

Can you please correct the spelling.

British not Brittish.

I know the Americas situ. You have to understand my point.

Bit of a biased team considering you are from Ireland :p

Joe Cole would play over Damien Duff, just like he does at Chelsea.

Richard Dunne over Jamie Carragher or Rio Ferdinand, what are you on?

Steven Finnan over Gary Neville I would agree with.

Craig Bellamy over Owen or Crouch I would not agree with, although Bellamy is a good player.

Bit of a biased team considering you are from Ireland

true :)

Richard Dunne over Jamie Carragher or Rio Ferdinand, what are you on

Player of the year in City..Carragher is havin a howler of a WC..AND IM A uniter supporter ....ferdinand is a DONKEY

Craig Bellamy over Owen or Crouch I would not agree with, although Bellamy is a good player.
Craig Bellamy over Owen or Crouch I would not agree with, although Bellamy is a good player.

meh, i was just tryin to give a shout out to the Welsh!!!

Can you please correct the spelling.

British not Brittish.

I know the Americas situ. You have to understand my point.

The other guy is right. The term "British Isles" refers to the whole of Ireland, Great Britain and the Isle of Man and all the other islands around, except the Channel Islands. Don't forget that the reason we use the term "Great" Britain is to differentiate the big British Island from the others - which does include Ireland.

A large proporation of Irish deplore the term "British Isles" and use "These Islands" instead.

It always shocks me, the number of people who don't know the difference between Great Britain, the UK, the British Isles, the Commonwealth and Territories & Dependencies. I remember being taught that in Top Infants, which I guess is Year 2 now.

Player of the year in City..Carragher is havin a howler of a WC..AND IM A uniter supporter ....ferdinand is a DONKEY

What do you base the Carragher is having a howler on? He has only played like 50 minutes of the World Cup and was very solid. Dont forget his natural position is centre back (where he is one of the best, if not the best player in that position in the Premiership). He has also played at right back, left back, centre back and defensive midfield for England! What more could you want?

Ferdinand is a donkey, I agree with that. But I would say that he is still a better player than Dunne.

Ferdinand is a donkey, I agree with that. But I would say that he is still a better player than Dunne.

Hmmm, wer gonna gave to differ on that...The irish defence is alyays quite solid with him in it...

I think i'll log onto a Man City forum and see if they agree wit ya! :lol:

Too much hype around rio.....

If england could include irish players...who would you bring..include bench players..

meh, i was just tryin to give a shout out to the Welsh!!!

lol, glad you did, cos in a real British XI, there probably would be no welsh players in the starting 11 at all.

Possibly Giggs and bellamy on the bench, but thats it.

That is why i do not want to see a british team in the football in the London olympics.

Because all it will be is prehaps 8 english players, 1 scot, 1 northan irishmen, and 1 welshman in the starting 11 (so they can say they included them). And thats if we're lucky - I could easily see it being just an England team starting a game, with a welshman, scot and northan irshman coming on as subs.

sorry bout the rant lol.

lol, glad you did, cos in a real British XI, there probably would be no welsh players in the starting 11 at all.

Possibly Giggs and bellamy on the bench, but thats it.

That is why i do not want to see a british team in the football in the London olympics.

Because all it will be is prehaps 8 english players, 1 scot, 1 northan irishmen, and 1 welshman in the starting 11 (so they can say they included them). And thats if we're lucky - I could easily see it being just an England team starting a game, with a welshman, scot and northan irshman coming on as subs.

sorry bout the rant lol.

Speaking of Bellamy. I hope he signs for Liverpool, apparently there is a clause in his contract which allows him to leave for 6 million, but that expires at the end of July. He could be a snip for 6 million, there is no doubting his ability, it's just his attitude and tempermant that is the question.

Sorry about my rant :)

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