World Cup ref shoots himself

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Damn, what a message to send to our already messed up kids "when the going gets tough, just blow your brains out" ******. Complete and utter ******. I have no respect for this fella.

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Damn, what a message to send to our already messed up kids "when the going gets tough, just blow your brains out" ******. Complete and utter ******. I have no respect for this fella.

so? not like he cares...

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Might not even be related to the football. Wouldn't surprise me if it was though. People seem to have a tough time remembering it is just a game.

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He probably made a deal with someone or some people and lost. So to him the only way out of it was to take his own life.


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This is the second failed suicide attempted in football in recent weeks. Almost as bad as England's penalty strike rate! Seriously though, pretty random... I wonder what the two suicide notes said.

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yeah it may have some unrelated issue in his life...damn you could even go as far to say as how do you know its suicide...did anyone see him shoot himself? im not expressing doubts im just saying we only have part of the story...dont jump to conclusions

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Damn, what a message to send to our already messed up kids "when the going gets tough, just blow your brains out" ******. Complete and utter ******. I have no respect for this fella.

I know that, it justs seems a bit extreme eh. all for a game of footie.

Dont be so quick to judge Gowcra. It might have been completely unrelated to football, and how do you know he even has kids?

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Dont be so quick to judge Gowcra. It might have been completely unrelated to football, and how do you know he even has kids?

His point wasn't about whether or not the official had kids. He was talking about kids in our society today. He doesn't want to encourage the kids today to just 'give up' when the going gets rough.

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How about we stop making these nonsensical remarks about him betting on a game and losing or about him depressed <insert team here> lost. This guy is fighting for his life and everyone is here cracking jokes. Sure, this is a discussion forum, but have some respect for the human being he is. I am sure we will be enlightened of why he did it, assuming he survives.

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there's too much coincidence though, if it was just hours after it ended. my guess is that he either had money on it, or was involved in some type of scandal.

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