Killzone: Liberation Impressions/Videos

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Since we first got a look at the game a few months back, Killzone: Liberation has been shaping up as that rare beast: a PSP game that's actually specifically designed for the PSP. After our most recent hands-on time with the portable version of Guerrilla's sci-fi shooter, scheduled to ship October 31st, that feeling was only reinforced.

Liberation's single-player mode uses the same objective-based gameplay as the PS2 original, but goals are set up in more "bite-sized" portions, so you can quickly jump in, kill a few enemies, and then jump out if necessary. The original Killzone featured four playable characters, but this time around, players will take control of Interplanetary Strategic Alliance captain Jan Templar the whole way through. "Making four playable characters in the original Killzone was like making four different games," says Sony CEA producer Kyle Shubel.

Don't think that Templar will be going it alone against the Helghast menace, though -- wisecracking Rico Velasques from the original Killzone is back as an A.I. "buddy" character. Shubel promises a user-friendly communication system, though, as only relevant options will appear when using the D-pad to issue commands.

Templar will have access to 10 weapons in all, including three new ones: a Dirty Harry-style pistol with massive firepower that's sure to make any Helghast's day, a flamethrower, and (keeping with the movie theme) a Rambo-inspired crossbow. You'll also be able to upgrade all of your weapons (and Templar himself), so you can tailor your arsenal to your liking. Vehicles -- including a tank -- will also play a part in the action.

Liberation's multiplayer options include ad hoc co-op for the story mode and six-player ad hoc multiplayer battlefield action. We'd previously only seen a multiplayer deathmatch option, but the same basic modes offered in the PS2 version, such as assault, will also be present.

Though the modes may be the same, Liberation's arcadey controls and top-down perspective promise a fresh gameplay experience. In our hands-on six-player 1UP deathmatch, we were especially impressed with the quick respawn times, and elements like grenades and close-quarters combat were immediately more intuitive -- and enjoyable -- than the same maneuvers in the PS2 version. There wasn't a lot of wasted time or wandering around looking for opponents -- the action was quick and intense. Liberation may actually find an audience among old-school gamers, as well, as the action is more akin to arcade classics like Ikari Warriors and Commando than the typical modern-day FPS.

Killzone: Liberation Playstation Portable Preview

Killzone: Liberation 'Intro' gameplay

PSP shooter direct feed gameplay and CG









Looks good, but it would be cool to see some stuff about the online play.

Edited by Surrieall
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