Mobydock, Out... Y'z Dock, In

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Noticed a few MobyDock posts in here and thought that I'd share something that I just noticed. Head on over to Y'z site and get his dock. A far superior dock in my opinion. Moby's was always freezing, disappearing and not reappearing, jumpy, etc. With Y'z Dock, it's been nothin' but smooth sailing.

Adding program links is far easier than modifing an .ini file. Simply left-click and hold, then drag over to the dock. The program link is added that fast. I know that Moby's did this, but it never quite worked right.

Adding png's is by far the best feature Y'z has over Moby's. Just drop the png's into the icon folder. No adding the names to another .ini file. Once they're in there you can use them right away.

Positioning can be at the bottom/horizontal or left and right sides as a vertical dock. Quite cool.

Anyway, just thought I'd mention this for those who haven't seen it yet.


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:happy: Well, The magnifier seems to be as good as Mobydock : So ... I will use Y'z Dock now and will see.

In fact it's true that for some strange reasons sometimes mobydock freezes and seems to slooooowww downnnn. lol

I don't know why and when exactly but it's a beta free software and even if I had to restart it when it happened I am happy to use it :D

But ... waouhhhh pretty simple to parameter Y'z Dock. That's was a challenge with mobydock for someone who discover the application.

Thanks libtec !! I will complete my Y'Z Toolbar with and Y'Z Dock on my Y'Z Windows . Lollll . (Oups, Microsoft I meant )

Here is my Y'Z Dock :


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Ok someone tell me how to Put the brushed Background in to play please i like the drag and Function of the icons

and how to go about setting up the comand line say lke My computer :) i like it so far just need so info

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dark vageta, to setup a My Computer link, either drag one that is already setup the way you want, or do the following:

Link To: C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe

Arguments: /e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

You can change the {} portion of the argument for other locations like, Control Panel, Printers, etc...

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When I click on an empty space ans choose settings I can only choose Transparency, size ... but not icons. :no:

I can only add icons by dragging them on the bar and change then Icons.

"show command" and "arguments" cannot be selected ....

Any ideas ?

Perhaps manual file editing ?

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This program is FAR better than MobyDock. YzDock is much easier to use, and definitely faster. MobyDock would always give me these stupid slowdown problems for no reason. Ah well.

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It's a very nice start but one thing I definatly need to have is auto hide. The clock and recycle bin are also nice features that I'd like to see in a future release but I must say it's damn nice for a 1st release. Might be switching off of mobydock soon.

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I love this dock, but I wish you could position it so that it would be above your taskbar like you could with mobydock. That was about the only think I liked about Mobydock, though, it was just too glitchy. Y'z Dock also has a definite lack of .png's. Maybe later versions will have more, but in the meantime would anybody mind posting some? I know you can make your own with icons, but most icons only go up to 48x48 or 64x64. If anybody has some good 128x128 pngs, please share!

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The default has nothing there, it's not supposed to. You have to drag programs or shortcuts into it and choose their icons (you add more icons by placing .pngs in the icons folder. it only comes with two).

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