UK Football- the intellects choice!

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UK/Association football truly is the enlightened/intellectual persons choice of Sport. There are many reason why this is known as "the beautiful game" around most of the world.

1)It is the sexiest/ most attractive game watch. Watching a player twine his way past 3 defenders at full speed, watching a player smash a 50-yard ball across field, watching a defender come in with a perfectly timed tackle, watching a goalie make an athletic, diving fingertip save or watching an attacker smash in a 35-yard free-kick are all beautiful sights to behold. certainly more so than a 20stone numbskull pick up the ball and charge forwards, more times than not hoping for the best. Watching quick, 1 touch, intricate football is a sight unbeknown to other Sports.

2) It has the most skillful, techincially gifted athletes in the world.

3) It is a mans game and unlike pansy, non-contact Sports, it involves much bumping and barging and usually results in cuts, bruises and sometimes concussions. When sexy football isn't working a good old battle can be what is needed to win the game and the side which shows the most physical/mental toughness will prevail.

4) People asides from 1 player can pass the ball.

5) It is not particularly start-stop unlike many other Sports, namely NFL.

6) It doesnt involve Goals being scored from every other attack like NFL, Basketball and Rubgy League. It is a more intriguing, steady process of attrition and probing until u eventually get the breakthrough. and when u do occasionlly get a 3-3 or 4-3 thriller it is all the more enjoyable.

7) It doesnt have adverts every 2 minutes.

8) Crowds at Football games are massive, the most passionate in the world and make alot of noise which gives the game a great atmosphere.

9) Football is played and loved worldwide and hence there are many great leagues and national teams worldwide which produce tonnes of great players unlike other Sports which are basically played to a high standard in just 2 or 3 countries namely NFL and to a lesser degree MLB. The fact that there are many great teams worldwide make for great, competitive international tournaments and inter-country club tournaments like the Champions League and the World Cup (the most watched Sporting event in the world). Even a country like USA which shuns football because of its jealously of its popularity has a good national team which competes at World Cups. If there was a NFL world cup who would play. USA vs Canada- theres the final and thats it!!!

10) Football produces a fair few suprises. a good 20%-30% of the time there are surprise/shock results. This week in PREM' alone there were surprise results. Fulhams win at Newcastle, M'boro's draw at arsenal, Everton's 3-0 Derby demolition over Liverpool.

11) The tactical and strategy side of the game is fasinating. Any number of formations and tactics can be ultilized in the great game.

12) Football unites countries. it halted civil conflict in Ghana during the world cup.

13) Football is an exception as it is the only game which is played with the feet as the prime implement and even the head at times. Americans are too scared to head the ball. Games with the hand are for the most part dull. humans use their hands all the time in all walks of life and have done so since they were created. but they never used their feet for anything inventive/interesting- but then football came along.

Yes Football really is the beautiful game.

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err explain.

whats inaccurate and immature about my points.

Things like "Americans are scared to head the ball" which is obviously not true generally, as well as McBride having scored some great headers for Fulham.

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Football is not a contact sport.

Infact it's sometimes called the poofters game. All that touchy feely when a goal is scored, kissing hugging etc.

Players are overpaid, not all managers are.

Ticket prices cost far too much.

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Err could u be more wrong Leesmith. (very surpising ur scathing attack on football considering your banner).

Baseball, cricket, tennis- these are non-contact sports. Barging, shoving, tackilng comes with the territory in football not to mention getting clattered by goalkeepers and defenrders alike when going for 50/50s or aerial balls.

and its called a poofters sport by ignorant americans. as i said it ias one of the roughest games in the world. i can only think Boxing, Rugby and NFL which r more rough. (i'm not including stupid things like karate as sports).


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A post of mine was deleted from here (assunedly by John s). It summed up as:

1) Football is classified as non-contact.

2) Karate is far from stupid - go to any dojo and you will see.

3) Get off the "ignorant americans" vibe.

Football is played by some amazing athletes but also by some of the least professional sportsmen I have ever seen.

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I'm affriad I can only half agree with you Fat Richard.

Football CAN be and USED to be a beautiful game. But I have seen a decline in the last 10 years which has forced me away from it.

Players are over paid to make as much fuss as possible over small incidents. Where is the tussle and roughness of the game. Far too often in todays game players will dive, card wave, and abuse officials at any opportunity. I see this as cheating and causing the game to loose most of its appeal. Yes there is skill, yes there are wonderful moments, but there are far more negative points to a game than good. The officials are too whistle happy too, again slowing things down to the point where in the derby at the weekend we painted the wall underneath the TV and watched that (yes we really did!)

have you ever been to another sporting event? i am a avid follower of rugby league and the crowds there maybe many times small but thousands times louder with a hell of a lot more atmosphere.

you make some very good points about football but you sound like you are a ten year old making them. thats a shame, I almost backed you up on most of them.

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Err could u be more wrong Leesmith. (very surpising ur scathing attack on football considering your banner).

Baseball, cricket, tennis- these are non-contact sports. Barging, shoving, tackilng comes with the territory in football not to mention getting clattered by goalkeepers and defenrders alike when going for 50/50s or aerial balls.

and its called a poofters sport by ignorant americans. as i said it ias one of the roughest games in the world. i can only think Boxing, Rugby and NFL which r more rough. (i'm not including stupid things like karate as sports).


Football is NOT a contact sport, the whole idea of the petty fouling, the chopping down of players is a yellow or red card offence.

We are not talking about 1970's with the likes of Chopper Harris.

Todays game is zero contact or it's a foul.

Now compare and contrast with Rugby Football, both Union and League and then tell me it's a contact sport.

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sorry, hows it a contact sport? Rugby is contact as you are allowed to hurl yourself at the opposing players to get the rugby ball. If something like that happens in football a card is raised.

The only contact is then hugging when they score a goal and anything that goes on in the changing rooms we dont see

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My dad tells me its "A spectator sport for the ignorant masses"

I think hes taking about the things sam_goffe describes in his first post, heh.

I dont particularly like football myself. :)

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My dad tells me its "A spectator sport for the ignorant masses"

I think hes taking about the things sam_goffe describes in his first post, heh.

I dont particularly like football myself. :)

A scouser that don't like footy?

New one on me I always thought it was in your blood.

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A scouser that don't like footy?

New one on me I always thought it was in your blood.

Colin-uk does not qualify as a scouser, he lives in Birkenhead :p.

Besides, I have been reliably informed that he is a bum who never see's day light :shiftyninja:.

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A scouser that don't like footy?

New one on me I always thought it was in your blood.

Colin-uk does not qualify as a scouser, he lives in Birkenhead :p.

Besides, I have been reliably informed that he is a bum who never see's day light :shiftyninja:.


im not a scouser because i dont live in liverpool, and no, i dont live in birkenhead there :p

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Todaygrand slam sunday proved it was the best sport.

yeah i am well aware many will lok and thin only 2 goals-rubbish!!

i woulkd disagree completely.; i was thoroughly entertained. Liverpool had tonnes of chances to make a crikcket score in the first game and the second game was ridlled with fanatsic football and a dramatic finale. P.S: a terrible result for Spurs!!

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