Different Msn Send Files Problem

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Hey, does anyone know how to get past the built in firewall on the linksys etherfast dsl router? unless that is not my problem, but I cannot send files over the net at all using icq or msn, nor can the other 3 people connect to the router. anyone?

thanks! :cool:

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You need to open up the specific ports and map them to the IP of the PC that is trying to send (or recieve) the file. Although I've noticed that for sending you shouldn't have this problem (unless the other person also is behind a similar configured firewall ) , usually you need the mapping when you are recieving since because of NAT the router needs to know to which logical IP to send the information. Or something along those lines.

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its the same as i have ( I have a linksys router also).

It is strange that after you click apply that the settings dissapear, havent seen that with my router and you dont have to restart.

Did you enable upnp in windows??

type in the run box services.msc and check if universal plug and play is enabled.

edit: set it to automatic

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if it still doesnt work, then I dont have any clue anymore.

for icq its a diffrent port number i believe.

I dont know exactly what udp is, I just checked my settings cause i have the same brand router (I have befrs81) and my msn file transfer works.

good luck

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I have been havin the same probs with MSN Messenger 5.0 it is really starting to bug me because it worked fine in 4.7 i'm using linksys latest firmware and tried uPnP and everything it just wont send the damn files.

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first of all, msn messenger doesnt support NAT as far as i know,thats the reason i cant do any voice conversation using mic, :angry: , btw can u do voice conversation through msn??

I think for file transfer it should have been working when typing in the ports you want,and that it hasnt got to do anything with NAT but im not very sure.

Do send an email to the router's manufacturers asking for help and why the settings you put in the fields dissapear when hit apply,it maybe faulty and you may get lucky and replace the router if thats the case.

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a different protocol that is dealing with UDP packets.

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