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iTunes 7 skipping- SOLUTION! - it worked for me


Ive eliminated the iTunes 7 skipping probelm :D iTunes7 used to skip for me whever something else was err.. 'making sound' . ie whever I was watching a video, playing a game, etc. After trying out a fix for 5.1 sound HERE ive fixed that problem on my pc.

Here is the process

I have owerwrote QT 7.1 files with these ones from QT 7.0:



The download for the old QT files can be found


Thoes that do have this problem please report if it worked or not.

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Says the zip corrupted. :\

Edit: Nevermind, opened it with WinRar and it was fine.. stupid MS. :(

Edit Edit: Yep, seems to have done the trick for me... although I have said that before with the increasing of volume to 100% as well. It used to spaz out when opening up the teamspeak client.. but shall try now with CoD and see if it still does it. :)

Edited by Pc_Madness
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All you need to do is go into Control panel and the Quicktime Preferences and onto the Audio Tab then set the Sound Out Size to 16bit again then apply. Reboot. Works for me.

What do you mean? Mine was 16 bit from the time of instalation. :unsure:

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What the hell? This has just made my iTunes sound a hell of lot worse, it now doesn't play smoothly at all and is full of static.

For f*ck sake Apple, just release a god damn patch you idiots.

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I'll try out this fix tomorrow afternoon once I get in and will post back. I'm also going to try changing the rate and sound out size to see if it makes any difference. Will post back :)

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