Static IP on ad-hoc network?

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Hi there. I have an ad-hoc network between my desktop and laptop wirelessly which shares my wired internet connection. I've set up a network for files etc. and I use UltraVNC on the laptop to work remotley sometimes. However, the laptop never stays with the same IP (assuming that my wireless adapter is using DHCP) and if I set a static IP up in the same range (desktop is static with and the laptop set to then I can connect to the network but I lose all Internet connectivity on the laptop. If I connect via the DHCP method there is an icon in network connections showing 'BT Broadband on DAVE'.

Is there a way to set a static IP for my laptop on this network as I keep having to go to the laptop to find it's IP address to connect with UltraVNC.

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With an ad-hoc network we are assuming that you are using Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on the desktop.

You can (and really should) use static IP addressing on an ad-hoc network, the way to make sure that you don't loose connectivity to the internet is to make sure that the desktop PC (with ICS, the IP becomes anyway) has that static IP, and it is used as the 'Gateway' setting on the laptop (192.168.0.>1).

I cant think of a reason why it would not work, providing the Gateway setting is correct and the subnet mask has not be altered.

Edit: goddamit lunamonkey, ya beat me :p

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Yes. On the laptop (I can get screenshots in a few hours if needed) I have:


Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

DNS server 1:

DNS server 2:

I don't know the last three of the top of my head but I know they're filled in. I'll post back when I am using the notebook in a few hours.

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OK, so when I have the laptop to obtain the IP and DNS automatically it will be setup like in the first image below. I will have full networking (file + printer sharing etc. + ICS) but the IP will change automatically each time I connect.

If I set up the IP settings like the picture below then I can connect to the wireless network but I lose ICS and all file and printer sharing. What have I done wrong? :pinch:

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Oops. Hahaha thanks devster.


Now the last thing. I've got it all working but I can't seem to connect to my system on the file sharing. It says that \\DAVE is not accessible and I don't have permission. :s

it was working before and I can connect to the laptop via \\JUNE

Edited by Dave MB
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When I restart the laptop I lose all the connections again. All the inputted information stays the same but it won't get anything until I disable the network on the desktop and restart the adapter. :(

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Dave, make sure you have the same users and the same passwords on both desktop and latop.

I know it could be annoying to see them on the welcome screen, but GPedit.msc can "deny login locally". So you could add them in there to hide them again.

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You mean the same username and password?

I'm logged onto "Dave" on both systems and I've set the passwords the same the other day. There are 3 users on the laptop and 2 on the desktop.

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