Argh! Boot Problems

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Ok, i transfered my computer from one case to another earlier today. I also added another hardrive that uses SATA.

Anyway, it worked fine and i booted up the PC. Everything came up as usual, and i looked in My Computer to see a new hardrive listed. Strangely it listed it as 21gb, not 250gb but i thought i would ignore it for now.

I went on to format the drive (only the new drive!) using Windows' tool and tried to transfer some data. Worked fine, all good.

After doing this, i exited that window and i got a message about a windows file being missing and having to do the chkdsk utility. Infact, i got a lot of these messages. So i turn off my computer, pop in my Windows CD and try to 'recover' it and run the chkdsk utility.

It gets stuck at 50% and crashes. Now whenever i turn on my computer it goes to the motherboard screen but then gets stuck when trying to load the operating system. It just has a black screen with one grey character of " _ " in the top left. I've tried rerunning chkdsk utility but it won't run up my Windows XP disc anymore. I've tried using another disk but to no avail. I've listed my CD Rom drive as first to run in BIOS but it just sounds like it's going to run up before stopping and leaving me with just the black screen.

It's all gone a bit pearshaped so any help would be much appreciated. :wacko:

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Have you tried unplugging the new drive yet? It sounds like that is what caused your problem in the first place.

I don't know so much about SATA, but I do know that ATA can cause many problems like this. Just try unplugging the drive and then doing your repair.

Sorry if you actually have tried this already and just didn't say so in your post, but you should have unplugged the new drive and then tried running Windows again before trying to repair it.

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I've tried installing Windows on the new drive from fresh, tried it on the old drive and i get nothing, same with trying both hardrives. Thanks for the help anyway.

I'm so clueless right now.

Somebody please throw a dog a bone.

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I've tried just putting the new drive or just the new drive connected to the machine but just get this black screen with a single " _ " character in the top left.

Problem was that i couldn't access anything on my hardrive as i couldn't get to my operating system. So

I just put the old drive onto another computer as the slave.

It comes up as two drives (has it f**ked up making by partitions that i didn't ask for?). I mean, the one drive appears as two in My Computer with the third that is the master.

Anyway, one of the two 'drives' that come up is 'corrupted' and i cannot get to it and the other has what i put onto the new drive when i was trying it out!

When i put the new drive in, it doesn't even come up in My Computer.

What's going on?

Some help would really be appreciated here.

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