Weirdest Hockey End Ever?

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lol.. some commentator made some joke during a game the other day about patrick stefan, but i didnt know what the joke was in reference to... until now.... that was hilarious

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Haha, as amazing as it was to see that game turned around like that, if you watch it again you can see the puck jump right as he tries to put it in, probably caused by grooves cut in the crease from the goaltender. As much as it looks like he should have had that easy, to anyone who has ever played hockey you know that sometimes to puck will jump like that and there's really not much you can do. He wasn't paying extremely close attention because 99.9% of the time you wouldn't have that issue, but this was just that rare opportunity that the puck jumped RIGHT when he tried to push it in. Sucks for him though, seriously.

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i was rofling quite hard when i saw it...but u have to really feel for the guy...

yeah you do gotta feel for this guy. Just a really rare occurance as Betaz says. Same thing happens in soccer quite often (due to the playing surface being grass) but everytime you see it, it does look embarassing to the poor guy thats just hit a huge air-shot or to the goal keeper who's went down on one knee to pick the ball up only to be lobbed by a divot in the grass. lol

can anyone say Tim Flowers?

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missing the empty net was one thing, having the other team score right after is... well, embarrasing

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It was a regular season game... the announcer made it seem like the Stanley Cup final. A bit of an overexaggeration.

The information says the announcer is Ray Ferraro (spelling?), but that doesn't sound like him. Is it?

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