Who here is Scuba certified

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I got certified 2 months ago at my school. Just wanted to see who else here is certified and if so what level and where all have you been. And if you know of any great places in the states to go. Ive been to Ginnie Springs florida for the certification and went in the caverns 50 ft down

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I almost had the chance to do it with my boy scout troop. Well it doesn't look like they're doing it again, but i'll keep trying to get it. What are some of the things you need to do before you actually go scuba in the ocean?

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@gamestargrinder....Been certified since I was 13 i think? I just have my Open Water and Advanced Open Water certs w/ PADI. But I worked in dive shops through high school and did all sorts of fun stuff. Night diving, Rescue Diving, Cavern Diving, Wreck Diving, Deep Diving etc...Probably logged around 250 dives (mostly in the Caribbean and some in local rivers and quarries).

Try Crystal Springs, Florida...I used to go on dive trips with our dive shop all the time in high school and college. They go diving with the Manatee down there. Other than Florida go to the Caribbean bro. Tons of great dive spots all over. Just don't go the the popular ones because they are all damages and dead from too many divers. Go the the small spots that locals tell you about. Just ask around...the people coming in and out of local dive shops can best direct you to the best spots.

@ bluep3ace....All you need is a good Mask, Snorkel, and Fins (and in your case a good Dry Suit, haha)...then rent the rest of your equipment after you have passed your Cert class. You'll love it man. Its a way of life when you get into it.

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cool as far as gear ive got the basics, looking at a 4/3 wetsuit now, some weights, bc, regulator with gauges and first/second stage. I signed up for intermediate scuba also so ill see tommorow what the class will be about

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I got certified earlier last year. Just open water right now, but will likely take an advanced class before I'm done with school. There are a few specialties I'd like to have as well (wreck dives, night dives, maybe some cave and deep diving). Anyway, I didn't go anywhere special for my certification, so it's not worth mentioning. Before I was certified I dived in Jamaica using their little resort certification. It was beautiful there. For Christmas I actually got some fins and a wet suit (already had a nice mask and snorkel). My parents, sister, and I are now all certified and are planning to go diving sometime this summer.

Forgot to mention I'm part of a diving group called the Water Dawgs :p I know I'll never have a problem trying to find some friends to dive with :D

Also, in case you have never tried, next time you go down bring a can of cheese whiz with you, it'a a riot!

Edited by jeston
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BSAC ocean diver certified. going to qualify as bsac sport sometime this year. been on the barrier reef twice and lots of ponds in the uk. its cold in a semidry at 5c :p hardcore diving ftw

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My wife and I got PADI Open Water cert. just before we were married and we love it. Every year we take a trip to the Carribean to a dive hotspot. We're heading to Cozumel in 3 weeks (Woohoo!!!). Very reasonable prices for all-inclusive locations. You just need to add the cost of diving and equipment rental to the price.

I would love to start diving at home (Minnesota), but my wife has no desire to do so. They're cold-water dives so it's dry-suit. There are really nice wrecks up in Lake Superior and I've heard the quarry dives are pretty cool, as well. In the Winter, they also do ice dives, which the visibility is supposed to be incredible.

Get a subsciption to Sport Diver magazine or check out their site. Every year, they will list out the best dives around the world. They will also list out the best dive in the U.S. individually (and other regions).

One of the coolest things I've done is the Blue Hole in Belize. If you can get there, I highly recommend it.


jeston, what's the deal with Cheeze Whiz???

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Certified. Brought my then-girlfriend (now wife) to Bonaire, and she resort-certified there.

Then kids showed up and wife can't dive when pregnant, nor was she wanting to with infants to care for.

Now, with the youngest at 5, we are both very interested to get back under the water. :yes:

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Certified. Brought my then-girlfriend (now wife) to Bonaire, and she resort-certified there.

Then kids showed up and wife can't dive when pregnant, nor was she wanting to with infants to care for.

Now, with the youngest at 5, we are both very interested to get back under the water. :yes:

Dont mean to be picky, but isnt it IN the water? Under would mean in mud and stuff :rofl: :p

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Sorry. "underwater" whatever.

And, technically kids don't just "show up", so I suppose I should have stated "were born".

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Cool! Welcome to the awesome world of Scuba! I've been certified for about 10 years now - although I haven't been in about 2 years. Being from Vancouver I got certified in cold water. COLD WATER :) Thick wetsuits or drysuits. The benefit being that I go down to warm water climates and I feel like I'm naked without that extra equipment.

I've got Open Water, Deep Diver, Night Diver, and Advanced certifications.

Night diving is something that is out of this world. Think of being suspended in total darkness and all you can see is where you shine your light. Defiantly not for people that are intimidated in the dark.

Deep Diver cert is a definite must if you want to go down to 120feet.

One thing I did find very cool was I got a waterproof housing for disposable cameras in order to take pictures at depth. They aren't the greatest pictures but they are amazing to show friends what you see down there. Cool to mess around with too. My friend and I took a picture in a wreck (wheelhouse part) with our sunglasses on - no masks. It looks totally hilarious. If I can find it I'll post it up.

Enjoy Scuba!!


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jeston, what's the deal with Cheeze Whiz???

Well, it's a great way to get up close to some fish. I know that where I got certified there were tons of this little fish, and when you would spray just a little bit cheese, you would be surrounded by probably 200 or more of these little things. They go nuts trying to get some of the cheese. It's actually pretty fun. Also, you can put a little dab of it on someone and watch the fish enjoy a nice treat on them. Just try not to let go of the can or it, obviously, floats back to the surface :p I may be able to find a picture or two showing what happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I'm about a week late with the pictures, but here is what the cheese whiz does:

What you look like...


What you see...


And another...


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