[NFL] Chargers Fire Schottenheimer

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I actually did see this coming. Gotta pick up my 50 bucks from my friend now :lol:.

Simply put, his post season record is horrible.

But, I wonder if Jerry Jones is second guessing his signing of Wade Phillips. I wonder what the chargers will do now since their coaching has been gutted (no Offensive Coordinator, Defensive Coordinator or Head Coach).

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Interesting that we have waited until every other team has appointed coaches, especially considering we've lost both our coordinators. Tells me that they didn't want either of them as HC.

Wonder who they have in mind..

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i was shocked when i saw this on sportscenter. he was a player's coach and i wonder how the players took it. espn is reporting that ron rivera from the bears would be a good candidate, but other than that it's pretty wide open. one thing's for sure though: we can't expect it to be bill cowher because he's close to marty.

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