Neowin Fantasy Baseball Season 2007 #2

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This is the second Neowin Fantasy league created to fulfill requests since the first league is full up. Anyone in the other league may join, though I ask that you wait a few days so people who want to get in can find an open spot.

Yahoo Fantasy Baseball League Information:

League ID: 106180

Password: neowinRox

Live Draft: March 17, 2007 at 11:45am EST

Current Teams and Owners:

1. bangbang023 (bangbang023)

2. DJWEASEL (djweasel)

3. Nightz (Nightz)

4. Cterry511_Red Sox (cterry511)

5. Musicman's Minions (musicman)

6. Piniella's Boys (j.nudd)

7. BaZurk (BaZurk)

8. Arkantos????€š?ž? (the tribe)

9. virtualmadden (virtualmadden)

10. Rumor's Boys (Rumor)



There are 12 slots available so I ask that only serious contenders apply. If you plan on leaving half way through the season, don't sign up. If a second league is needed, it will be created.

Edited by bangbang023
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I would love to get in is there any way of just giving me the leage ID # the link wont work for me. GRRR

Thanx Im In i hope we can fill it!

Edited by cterry511
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theres no way we can consolidate the two leagues either leagues of eight or one league of 16? because although 4 teams mihgt actually be fun. i dont think its a good idea.

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Like I said, if this league doesn't fill up by draft day, it's being closed. It would need at least 8 people to continue. Consolidating the leagues will only ruin the experience. Towards the end of the draft last year, there was no one worth drafting left.

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Thhinking about it, I had a 16 team league last year and it was kinda pointless. We where at the point you could add and drop guys with out even thinking because the FA pool was all full with like 1 hit a week players.

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oh wow draft i never make the draft!! and i usually do good with out it. I was in 3rd last year i think in one league with auto pick. But i will try my best to make it. drafting makes is so much beter.

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Just a reminder that we could really use 2 more players, though 6 should be ok, also.

I can handle another team in this league. It would give me a chance to fix my last mistakes. :)


There, I signed up. If another player wants this spot then I'll step aside to make room for another.

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You guys mind if I removed OBP as a counted stat? If I don't hear anything by Thursday, I'm going to remove it.

I SAY GET RID OF IT. stuff like that doenst belong in fantasy i say get rid of all those kinda stats and and %ages too. they ruin it. like the 3pt % in basket ball what kinda cat is that?

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Easy tiger lol. You sound like the percentage stats screwed your girlfriend or something lol

well yea it did, i lose in our basketball league because of it. on a weekly basis it makes a close game a bust in a lot of cases. and you know being players never have good percentages. Thanks for listening to me vent.

"% messed up my fit"

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