GRAW 2 now "Gold"

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that was fast! i can't wait for GRAW2.. a game i'll beat once and never play again, just like the first... but what an amazing campaign.

(im not big on (online)multiplayer)

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Honestly.. I loved GRAW and it was definitely the big graphical showcase for the 360 for quite a while last year.. But this new one seems way too similar to the original.. Heck even the framerate is still sketchy.

This is something that typically happens with Ubisoft titles (especially Tom Clancy one's). The first game comes out, wows the heck out of people. Then there's a sequel which is thrown together quickly and doesn't really evolve anything (and it's typically done by a different studio then the one which worked on the original). But then, the original studio unleashes a brand new title that wows everyone yet again.

Best example? Splinter Cell. The first one was amazing, the second was a good title but didn't really shake things up.. But then you had Chaos Theory, which had a brand new engine with bloody amazing visuals.. And then we had Double Agent.. You get the point.

I'm looking forward to Splinter Cell 5 though ;).

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I wonder if this will be priced at 60 USD as well, as I'm not seeing a justification for the price right now. I love GRAW, but GRAW 2 doesn't look like a "2", more like a 1.5. Anyone else feeling it?

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Sounds great


I may be blind - but where do you change the controls? I know where to change the Y-axis to inverted.

But as it is now, the right stick is used for MOVING and the left stick is used for AIMING.

I want the exact opposite, but I have no idea where to change it :/

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It took them so little time to make it, you get the feeling it's a 1.5 insted of a 2.0, they could price it cheaper,, that'd make it sell like crazy imo. It all just depends on the development costs.

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I wonder if this will be priced at 60 USD as well, as I'm not seeing a justification for the price right now. I love GRAW, but GRAW 2 doesn't look like a "2", more like a 1.5. Anyone else feeling it?

Like all brand new Xbox 360 games it will be $60 in USD

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I wonder if this will be priced at 60 USD as well, as I'm not seeing a justification for the price right now. I love GRAW, but GRAW 2 doesn't look like a "2", more like a 1.5. Anyone else feeling it?

Let's see:

Better graphics, better AI, new SP story, new MP game modes, new maps, new guns, new in-game features...

Looks like a full new game to me.

GR has always had (at least) 2 games based on the same engine, with the second following about a year after the first.

Even if you get a minimum 60 hours entertainment from it, that's $1 an hour which is pretty cheap IMO.

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GRAW2 definitely feels like a graphically enhanced version of the first game. That said, I just finished playing the multiplayer demo, and I had a blast. Being able to actually hold my own in a game of Ghost Recon felt pretty nice (I got into the first GRAW quite late, after everybody had the maps memorized).

For somebody like myself - who really missed out on GRAW back in its heyday - GRAW2 is looking mighty impressive.

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