Epic dismisses talk of Gears sequel

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Epic dismisses talk of Gears sequel

Ellie Gibson 11:00 (GMT) 12/03/2007

Rein denies game was confirmed at GDC

Epic Games has denied claims that a sequel to multi-million selling Xbox 360 title Gears of War was quietly announced at last week's Game Developers Conference.

According to Internet reports, Epic designer Cliff Bleszinski confirmed that Epic does "intend to do a sequel" during his GDC speech.

But in a post on the game's official forum, vice president Mark Rein has since stated: "Cliff didn't confirm anything of the sort."

However, while there may not yet be any official confirmation, it seems inevitable that Epic will seek to follow up on the success of Gears with a sequel.

Rein has previously helped to boost speculation that a trilogy is planned by querying, "Gears is a trilogy? If we can keep making quality games that fans obviously want then why would we have to stop at three?"

Gears of War isn't just popular with consumers - it picked up three trophies at the GDC Awards last week, including Best Game.

Source: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=23432

blast :(

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in that case allow me to dismiss Rein's comments... the game wasn't confirmed at GDC07 but its coming and it's a trilogy... :happy: :yes:

btw... this should be common knowledge by now... :rolleyes:

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Nice try Epic. With the ending of Gears of War, of course they wouldn't have a sequel (/sarcastic). That's just like saying Halo 2 wouldn't have a 3rd after watching its ending.

Also the fact that cliff has signed to do 2 more :p.

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i'm sure lots of you have insider info, and Spartan basically told us there'll be a prequel too lol, but there's no need for that here, as for sure there'll be more games in the franchise. why Epic's being coy about it is beyond reason.

you never see Hollywood shying away from the topic, what's going on with the game co's?

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I wonder why he would want to dismiss talk of a sequel.

It doesn't make sense.

probably because there won't be a sequel like he said lol I don't know about you guys but until Mark Rein confirms it I don't think there will be a sequel. Even on the official GOW forums they have been making posts denying any GOW2. I know its weird but they must not want to make one for some weird reason. :wacko:

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probably because there won't be a sequel like he said lol I don't know about you guys but until Mark Rein confirms it I don't think there will be a sequel. Even on the official GOW forums they have been making posts denying any GOW2. I know its weird but they must not want to make one for some weird reason. :wacko:

I'm pretty sure that he said that no confirmation was done on GDC. And I'm also sure that he has talked about the sequel before, you can even look for the posts in this forum. Another thing is that obviously Microsoft slipped on this one (a PR said there was a trilogy coming). But nice try.

Last time I read some CliffyB interviews, he said he liked the hype.

And yeah, this is "when", not "if".

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Maybe he's denying a sequel because the next Gears will be a prequel like Spartan hinted at? That's the only thing that makes sense to me.

Maybe if they didn't sell 3 million copies and weren't backed by MS I might believe that there won't be another Gears.

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well if its going to be a trilogy and they want a prequal and sequal it makes sense to go back to square one 1st rather than concluding the story then sending you back to the start. Noone would do that except George Lucas.

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I think what Spartan is hinting to is possibly a storyline where we will learn about the past and all the people who were with you in the game (Dom, Marcus and other names I cannot recall O.o)

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well its not doubt if their is a prequel then it will probably involve marcus's trial and how he ended up in prison...

but i think Epic would be stupid not to cash in on this as it has such a large fanbase!

i have to ask though as i see this is a common trend in threads... spartan teasing us... how do you actually know these things?!? im not saying you dont know i just wonder how you do seem to know then the average person here? do you work with MS or something?

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how do you actually know these things?!?

She works for MS, but I still don't know exactly what it is that she does. Must be in the "try to hype GDC for no good reason" team or something.

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the way it ended and the way it started... :shiftyninja:


lol tell me they're not going to go all Star Wars and make a prequel?

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probably because there won't be a sequel like he said lol I don't know about you guys but until Mark Rein confirms it I don't think there will be a sequel. Even on the official GOW forums they have been making posts denying any GOW2. I know its weird but they must not want to make one for some weird reason. :wacko:

They didn't deny anything, they just said that they didn't confirm a sequel (or prequel for that matter). There will be another Gears of War. Bungie did the same with Halo 3 until they finally decided to confirm it, this is nothing new. It helps generate a lot of hype when the game is finally confirmed.

She works for MS, but I still don't know exactly what it is that she does. Must be in the "try to hype GDC for no good reason" team or something.


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She works for MS, but I still don't know exactly what it is that she does. Must be in the "try to hype GDC for no good reason" team or something.

I always thought spartan was a dude.

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well its not doubt if their is a prequel then it will probably involve marcus's trial and how he ended up in prison...

but i think Epic would be stupid not to cash in on this as it has such a large fanbase!

i have to ask though as i see this is a common trend in threads... spartan teasing us... how do you actually know these things?!? im not saying you dont know i just wonder how you do seem to know then the average person here? do you work with MS or something?

Yes, Spartan works for Microsoft and is a part of the Xbox department, hence why he is able throw in some hints here and there about things :p.

Spartan is a HE and not a SHE.

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lol tell me they're not going to go all Star Wars and make a prequel?

I would like a prequel very much. GoW kinda just puts you right in the heat of battle without really telling you how you got there. There's hardly any backstory whatsoever in the game. The world is just magically overrun by locusts. I don't know how anyone could have missed them leaving it wide open for a prequel as well as a sequel.


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