RocketDock Weather Docklet?

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Does anyone know a weather docklet for RocketDock (or ObjectDock) that supports UK cities?

The only one I've been able to find is "XML Weather" but that produces Runtime errors every time I log on and is unusable.

So yea, just want a docklet that will show the weather and temperature for a UK city

Cheers, Andy.

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The weather docklet that comes with ObjectDock will display weather for a UK city.


Thanks, so I should download ObjectDock, copy the weather docklet to RocketDock then uninstall ObjectDock again?

Cheers, Andy.

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I've tried that one however it doesn't seem to remember the Zip code entered once I log off, anyone else had this?

I also tried one through the SysStas docklet but SysStats would forget which config I had loaded!

I'm having great diffiuculty simply getting the weather on my dock! lol

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