[UFC] Liddell in rehab before loss to Jackson?

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In a recent interview, former UFC fighter and MMA veteran Vernon White stated that Chuck Liddell was “in rehab” for drug addiction prior to his UFC 71 championship bout with Quinton Jackson — and that it may have contributed to Liddell’s eventual first-round TKO loss.

However, UFCjunkie.com (www.ufcjunkie.com) caught up with Liddell’s agent today, and he flatly denied that his fighter was in rehab.

”[it’s] not true,” Jervis Cole says. “No other comment is needed.“

White, who owns a 25-30-2 career MMA record (0-1-1 in the UFC), suffered a first-round TKO loss to Liddell at UFC 49. It was his final fight in the UFC before he moved on to smaller organizations.

In the interview with MMA forum BloodyKnux.com, White claims that he suffered significant eye-socket damage in the August 2004 fight and that it required $38,000 to fix. White never clarified if he thought the alleged eye poke was intentional.

Later in the interview, White discussed UFC 71 and stated that “it was stupid for [Liddell] to come out of rehab and fight [Jackson] the way he fought him.” When later asked to clarify the comment, White said that he heard from “a close friend” that Liddell “had been in drug rehab for an addiction and got back into the cage too soon.“

White also referenced Liddell’s infamous appearance on Good Morning Texas and said that it further strengthens his argument.

Liddell was largely incoherent during the March 2007 interview and even nodded off at one point. However, trainer John Hackleman stated that Liddell was suffering from what would later be diagnosed as pneumonia and, the night before the interview, had taken NyQuil and sleeping pills, which resulted in the slurred speech.

I dunno he didn't look right...maybe its all these appearances outside the octagon like Entourage and films...

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He should have got hopped up on Cocaine before the Jackson fight then, because he was sluggish.

Yeah to me he didn't look right...wasn't really prepared enough for the barrage of Jackson...

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Granted, it was literally a one punch fight. But Liddell leaning in with the body blow, unlike him. And then really being sluggish trying to avoid the punch.

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Granted, it was literally a one punch fight. But Liddell leaning in with the body blow, unlike him. And then really being sluggish trying to avoid the punch.

Yeah....he will be back and probably stronger then ever...thats of course if Silva can put up a good fight after his injury...

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I think Silva is going to come out after his training this year a new man. He's really just a crazy ass aggressive fighter. He went 22 straight fights without a loss. That's amazing by anyone's standards. So he may come out hard and strong, and just kill Liddell, but he plays into Liddell's tactic of counterpunching, so we'll see if he learns from tapes and stuff.

If Liddell gets beat again, it'll be hard for him to regain any position.

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I think Silva is going to come out after his training this year a new man. He's really just a crazy ass aggressive fighter. He went 22 straight fights without a loss. That's amazing by anyone's standards. So he may come out hard and strong, and just kill Liddell, but he plays into Liddell's tactic of counterpunching, so we'll see if he learns from tapes and stuff.

If Liddell gets beat again, it'll be hard for him to regain any position.

Yeah I think if Chuck loses again thats it...he's finished I mean he could continue but as you said he would find it very hard to come back...

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Why would he be out?

The same thing happened to Randy Couture, but although Chuck is not going to change weight class, some hard training may bring him to the top again. His punch is LETHAL.

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Why would he be out?

The same thing happened to Randy Couture, but although Chuck is not going to change weight class, some hard training may bring him to the top again. His punch is LETHAL.

Yeah on his day Chuck is unstoppable...but I just thinking maybe his calling is films and tv shows now...he's made alot of them and his morale is gonna be mega low now...

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You may think Chuck's punch is LETHAL, but honestly, welcome to the new UFC.

Rampage vs. Shogun Rua --> Rampage took about 15+ knees to the head and never was knocked out.

Rampage vs. Wanderlei Silva --> Same type of fight. 15+ knees to his head, stood the entire fight still.

Hell, you can throw Fedor vs Mark Hunt in there, he took a huge amount of blows, recovered and won.

I would easily consider Rampage to be one of the hardest chins in MMA. He may not be the best fighter, ie. Rua killed him quick, Wanderlei dominated him. But he can sure as hell take a hit to the head.

Fact is, we are now seeing why PRIDE fighters are considered superior in a lot of ways. Especially in stand-up. You match someone who has done stand-up in UFC for quite some time against someone who has to literally KNOW stand-up to even be in PRIDE. PRIDE fighters experience more standup, and they fight in a ring where you get cornered. If you don't have a hard chin, you aren't fighting PRIDE, period.

Watch Wanderlei's fights on Youtube, he's crushing.

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