[NBA] Boston trades for Kevin Garnett

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Good trade for both teams. T-Wolves get loads of young talent. Celtics get a beast in KG so it's a win-win trade for both teams.

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Good trade for both teams. T-Wolves get loads of young talent. Celtics get a beast in KG so it's a win-win trade for both teams.


K.G. is good... but he ain't that good. Telfair, Green, Ratliff, Jefferson, two first round picks and Ryan Gomez... are you serious? This is highway robbery, not a win-win, IMO. lol

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Boston is going for the stars and scabs approach. They figure that with 3 all-stars on their roster that it won't matter who fills out the other positions.

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Allen and Garnett are great news for us in Boston !!! My TiVo Season Pass has been off on the Celtics since Larry Bird. (actually, TiVo wasn't around when Bird was) arf, arf. Is it actually possible that there could be life, after Red ? We've indured much.

Edited by gregory447
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K.G. is good... but he ain't that good. Telfair, Green, Ratliff, Jefferson, two first round picks and Ryan Gomez... are you serious? This is highway robbery, not a win-win, IMO. lol

K.G. is good but isn't that good? Are you kidding me? He's been on a crappy T-Wolves team since he entered the league and had only one year where he had a chance. He's going to the weakes conference in the league and will tear it up. Green will be good, Telfair has showed signs he's going to be a problem with police. Al Jefferson is a damn good player to trade away, but KG is better. Two first round picks, sure whatever..they can be a bust you know?

I'm really sorry if you can't agree that one of the very best in this league isn't good enough for a trade like that. There's loads of talent in this trade, but not all of them have showed that will be able to make it to become a role player other than Jefferson and Green.

Theo Ratiff is done man, he's not even close to his prime.

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UND3RxOATH, you really have no clue what you're talking about, do you?

For one, I'm pretty sure Ratliff's contract is expiring and he was just used to make the salaries match, as per NBA regulations. Secondly, Telfair and Gomez are simply role players? What are you smoking, because I want some of it. Telfair averaged roughly 6 points and 3 assists per game, down from his previous year's nearly 10 points and over 3.5 assists as he was took a back seat to some players after being traded, getting less playing time. Furthermore, Gomes averaged more than 12 points a game! And he's only going to develop into a role player?

Then there's two first-round draft picks.

I'm sorry, but pretty much no player is worth that price. You're trading away numerous potential all-stars for one all-star. Sure, Kevin Garnett may get 25 points a game (probably a lot less now that he's with Pierce and Allen), but the players you're trading away will give you 40-50 points per game, if not more.

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I have no idea what I'm talking about..right.

Lets try to get this through your skull. Kevin Garnett is a 10-time MVP. Set records carrer highs two categories. Telfair 6 points a game with the T-Wolves with Hassel starting won't get you far. Ratliff's contract is expiring as I said..duh, and yes that was to make the contracts match. Gomez isn't all that great of a player, tell me something he's done that is special? Only person in this trade that shines beside KG is Al Jefferson..he's the only player that has a chance. I never once they were only going to be role players, I said they would be role players.

It's also the T-Wolves, they already have loads of talent.

You must be from Boston..

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The way I see it is that Boston is planning for short term success while the Wolves are planning for the long term. Plus, I just don't see Boston winning a championship anytime soon, even with KG in their lineup. I can picture the Wolves being like the Jazz this past season in a few years with all young talent leading the team.

I wonder how Pierce will play with Allen and KG considering he likes to shoot the ball 30 times per game.

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I have no idea what I'm talking about..right.

Lets try to get this through your skull. Kevin Garnett is a 10-time MVP. Set records carrer highs two categories. Telfair 6 points a game with the T-Wolves with Hassel starting won't get you far. Ratliff's contract is expiring as I said..duh, and yes that was to make the contracts match. Gomez isn't all that great of a player, tell me something he's done that is special? Only person in this trade that shines beside KG is Al Jefferson..he's the only player that has a chance. I never once they were only going to be role players, I said they would be role players.

It's also the T-Wolves, they already have loads of talent.

You must be from Boston..

No, I'm from the same state as you.

And, yes, Kevin Garnett is a 10-time all-star (NOT 10-time MVP!). But take a look at that number... 10 times. His best playing days are going to be behind him, if you want my honest opinion, and he's not as dominant a player as he once was. Furthermore, you didn't say crap about Ratliff's contract, instead you made a comment about his ability. That there implies you didn't know his contract was expiring, so don't feed me lies.

Gomes isn't all that great of a player? Have you ever even watched him play, or are you simply relying on guessing at this point? He's got excellent decision making skills, which is a plus for anyone in the league, and takes smart shots. There aren't a ton of veterans in the NBA that do that much!

If you think that the only player in this trade to shine besides KG is Jefferson, you've got one nice bong that I need to get a hold of. Green isn't going to shine? Are you kidding me?! The kid was going to be the centerpiece in the Allen Iverson deal when he was rumored to be headed to Boston! He was a rookie and did a damn fine job as such.

Before this trade, the T-Wolves did NOT have "loads of talent." They had some talent, but they lacked depth. That was the primary knock on the team! Now they have one of the deepest teams in the league. With this trade, the Timberwolves have one of the best young teams in the league. Randy Foye, Gerald Green, Al Jefferson, Ryan Gomes, Sebastian Telfair, Craig Smith and Rashad McCants. They also have a couple of strong veterans in Ricky Davis and Mark Blount. I don't see how anyone can see the long-term winners being the Celtics, or even consider that possibility.

Boston is now a "win-now" team with this trade. If they don't, expect the roster to explode. You're going to have three guys who could potentially dominate a game, but with two unskilled players beside them on the court. Furthermore, Pierce is likely going to be playing out of his element and taking over a shooting forward position. Either Allen or Pierce is going to have to sacrifice their touches to get the ball to Garnett so he can take it to the basket, too, and do you honestly think that either one of them is going to be comfortable with that? They could work together, but it remains to be seen. I'm extremely pessimistic about that.

If Boston doesn't win the championship this year or at least make the finals, the deal was a bust for them. And even in the eastern conference you have some good teams like the Pistons, Nets, Bulls and Cavaliers. To make it out of the east isn't as big of a joke as many people think it is.

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Living in Massachusetts, I can say, I do not watch the Celtics. But am a die hard Sox fan and Patriots fan, and an occasion Bruins watcher. But the Celtics aren't even on my radar really. But today at the basketball courts everyone was talking about this deal. Some guys (20's) were talking about wanting to "cop dat garnett jersey".

I'll be watchign this season I know that.

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Bawx is soooo right!

Let's face it...I'm sure there are people out there who think the Celtics no longer exist! Something drastic needed to be done to flip this franchise upside down...back on its feet! KG along with Allen is definitely a flip in the right direction, we'll see if the Celtics land right side up!

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Don't disagree with you or Bawx at all... I think this will help Boston gain more local fans, I just don't think it will help them gain the success they want long-term, and the championship they want short-term.

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I'm a Wolves fan and it hurts my hear to see KG leave but it's the best for him, I think Bos. will be good for the next 2-3 years. But the problem for the Wolves is I believe 2-3 of the guys we got are in thier contract year, if not the next year. Plus we shouldn't have given up the draft pick in the Wally trade which we just got back in this trade so it's kind of foolish. This is going to Effect Brewers playing time. Personally I wouldn't mind a team of this if you want improvement.

PG - Rashad McCants

SG - Randy Foye

SF - Hassell

PF - Craig Smith

C - Al Jefferson

With the options of 1/2 the guys we got in the trade coming off the bench. Gomes/Telfair aren't really that good and Telfair almost was released.

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Shoe in? Not sure what you mean... I don't understand what you're writing, I mean.

And a pick is a pick. When you take into account a trade, you can really only look at the pieces you're getting. In this case, two first round picks, one that, yes, used to be Minnesota's before it was traded to Boston. But this gives them the pick back after the traded it away. It doesn't matter if they shouldn't have traded it to begin with, it's still a pick they've got in the trade.

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Couple things about KG not mentioned...

1) He's only 31. Basketball players don't wear down like other sports (i.e. football)

2) He's been in the league since he was 18, so ppl assume he's old and washed up.

3.) He won't need to score 25pts. a night. With Pierce and Allen scoring, he just needs to fill the middle and grab rebounds, along with playing strong defense.

The truth is, the guy can ball! I'm not a Celtics fan, or a T-Wolves fan, but I am a fan of Kevin Garnett because the guy works hard, plays hard, and gets the job done.

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