Steam Errors?

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Anyone else getting them? Everyone on this gmod server keeps getting an error about losing connection to the VAC servers.


thats the greatest question ive ever heard xD

errors in steam?!?!?

thats unpossible.

who else here has had problems with steam?

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I didn't ask for some stupid comment. I asked if anyone was getting booted from servers because of VAC connection.

There was no need to be like that.

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Haha, I love Gary's Mod! Anyways, I'm at work right now so I can't log on Steam to check for the errors. Sorry dudesky.

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steam is biggest POS i have ever seen in my games...

Glassed Silver:mac

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So many people bull**** Steam, I wonder why. I've only had one problem in Steam until now and it was some time when many people had a problem with some .blob file and that we had to delete it and we had to reinstall Steam otherwise joining a server would kick us for whatever reason.

The server browser refreshes servers pretty quickly and the updates download very fast. What's to complain? Oh I know, cheaters, but that's VAC that you should be complaining about. What else? Oh right, a pain in the ass for ppl who dowload games :p

But seriously though, what sucked about Steam is when their servers went down because of an electricity issue and thousands of ppl couldn't login. That's wrong and Steam should be ready to be used in those events when theres no power on their servers.

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steam is biggest POS i have ever seen in my games...

And how many other Steam like systems have you used? Isn't Steam one of a kind? Generally speaking I think it works pretty damn well... there are a few strange things that it does (Favourites still don't seem to behaving themselves properly), but otherwise I quite like having a program manage updates for all of my games.

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And how many other Steam like systems have you used? Isn't Steam one of a kind? Generally speaking I think it works pretty damn well... there are a few strange things that it does (Favourites still don't seem to behaving themselves properly), but otherwise I quite like having a program manage updates for all of my games.

I've used EA Link and that's not bad, but Steam's better as all Link does is download an installer and takes forever to install games. At least you can still play the games without CDs. Sorry to go OT a bit!

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Steam have been pretty good to be except now there are tons of people and it takes forever to download. I keep getting slow speed, other than that, it's fine the way it is.

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