[How To] Add a subdomain onto localhost

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Well I needed to do this myself so I could replicate some scripts as they would appear on a remote server, so here is how to do it; it is very simple:

1) Open up your terminal

2) sudo pico /etc/hosts

3) Move to the next free line and add: subdomain.localhost

4) Ctrl+o to save, then ctrl+x to exit

5) sudo pico /etc/httpd/httpd.conf

6) Ctrl+w to find: <VirtualHost *:80>

7) Add:

NameVirtualHost localhost

<VirtualHost localhost:80>

ServerName localhost

DocumentRoot "/path/to/default/dir/without/subdomain"

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.html index.htm index.shtml


NameVirtualHost subdomain.localhost

<VirtualHost subdomain.localhost:80>

ServerName subdomain.localhost

DocumentRoot "/path/to/the/dir/that/you/want/to/use/as/your/subdir/"

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.html index.htm index.shtml


8) Ctrl+o to save, then ctrl+x to exit

9) Now, restart Apache using:

sudo apachectl stop

sudo apachectl start

For Apache to notice the changes.

Done! :D


Edited by -Alex-
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