Where do you see sports in 50-100 years?

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I see more sophisticated ways for athletes to cheat the system. Steroids that are more efficient and harder to test for or that have less side effects. All sports will be held within bio-domes because of the extreme urban smog where most teams currently play unless they move out of the cities and into the suburban or rural locations.

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Leagues will be global - like in Rollerball. Some sports that don't have a global audience will simply cease to exist as "major" sports.

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with all the emodouche, limpwristed, fragile, "my parents won't let me watch cartoons from the 60's because they're offensive" pansies that exist right now, we'll be lucky to even have such a thing in 50 more years.

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with all the emodouche, limpwristed, fragile, "my parents won't let me watch cartoons from the 60's because they're offensive" pansies that exist right now, we'll be lucky to even have such a thing in 50 more years.

Lmao. +1

Probly why the Stooges aren't on anymore. Too "violent".

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I think we will actually regress sports wise in the future.

Rather than going foward and implementing more technology.

Eventually sports wont fulfill the average persons need for action and blood.

Perhaps back to something along the lines of gladiators?

Edited by Chris R
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Football is timeless, and (sorry about the gaming reference to Final Fantasy) Blitzball :p. Seriously though, there are so many FF fans that it could become and actual sport.

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I hope hockey becomes more popular, but like everyone said in general the games themselves won't change too too much. Just more sophisticated equipment etc. Hockey will just become more and more streamlined and the equipment will just get smaller and smaller to increase movement while getting stronger with new materials.

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