Bring the PAIN - Thursday

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Bring the PAIN - Thursday

+ Posted by Jason Coker // Associate Producer, PAIN

Hey, all. My name is Jason Coker, and I am the Associate Producer on the PS3 PSN title PAIN.

When people ask me, “Hey Coker, what project are you working on?” I reluctantly tell them that it’s PAIN. I say “reluctantly” because I have found that it’s pretty much impossible to do the game justice without actually having it right in front of someone to show it to them. Sure, I tell people that it’s a crazy game in which you launch a character from a giant slingshot into a downtown area and smash him into stuff and blow stuff up and you snatch Mimes out of the air so you can slam them through plate glass windows and you blast monkeys out the side of a building in an attempt to stop another player’s character from successfully crashing into bowling pins and you can play as a dude named Ed in a cow suit and so on and so on…

[catches breath]

…but it’s actually a lot more than that. Unfortunately, I can’t really tell you exactly what because it’s too impossibly fun to put into words. You’ll have to try it for yourselves, and you definitely won’t be disappointed.

What I CAN tell you is that it has been a blast to work on. It hasn’t been easy, but it sure has been hilarious. Here are just a couple of the gems I’ve heard (or said):

* “Coker, can you write up a description of a little person hip-hop pirate right quick?” (Yeah, I had the same reaction. You’ll see.)

* “Ummmm….who did the voice-over for that? That’s nasty.”

* “Hey man, if I get you a big glass of water, can you step into the recording booth and belch for about half an hour?”

* “Check the Leaderboards, Son. Spank. The. Monkey.”

* “Dude, I just really don’t think the farts are loud enough.”

* “Did you just grab that Granny by her head? Do it again! Do it again!”

* “That’s him right there. We call him the Ooch Master. He can’t be touched.” (You know who you are at Idol Minds, and I’m coming for you. The student has become the Master, baby!)

* “OH, *&%*!! THAT *^&%*#@ DONUT!!!!!!”

And that was just in one afternoon.

Probably the most important thing I can tell you about PAIN is that the game is really what you make of it. There is sometimes this misconception that it’s this cool experiment in physics that’s fun to watch. Hardly, it’s much, much more.

Fact is, I’ve been working on this game for quite a few moons, and I’m STILL finding new things to do and new trash to talk (I’m quite the PAIN Bowler, and I EARN my trash-talking rights, thank you very much).

Check it out when it hits PSN, and if you want some multiplayer action, come see me. You bring the Kool-Aid, and I’ll bring the PAIN!

In the meantime, check out the OFFICIAL PAIN SITE to stay hip to the world of PAIN.


This game looks cool. I am going to buy it. :) Anyone else planning on buying it? :blink:

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Word is this is $10!

PAIN captures the irreverent style of humor found in slapstick movies and online video clips and puts control of the chaos in the players’ hands. PAIN boldly tackles a rarely explored area of video gaming: comedy. The core, unique mechanic of the game allows the player to load a character into an extreme launching device, a human-sized, ultra-powerful slingshot, and fire the character into an active, physics-controlled downtown environment riddled with precarious, humorous and sometimes suggestive situations. Available for $9.99, you have never seen anything like it PAIN.

I don't think it's hitting the EU store today :(

Oh and, for the first person in the US that buys it, how about trying to experiment with game sharing across continents? ;) (im still waiting on ES Sony!)

Also here is a little insight on the seemingly "simple" gameplay for what I presume is a developer

I just got back from a “semi vacation” so I will try to make this brief. PAIN is a lot more than throwing a chracter into something and watching the results. In PAIN after you have hit something you ooch your character around (Watch the video and see how the characters move after hitting something. The more you cause pain the more ooch you have. The more ooch you have the more you can move your character around. That’s why you want to blow up. Get smacked, run over, fall from high places because it keeps your character in motion.

More motion, more ooch, more pain, more motion… get it?

And in addition to ooching there is grabs, throws, drifting, posing, and SUPER ooching. The game looks simple, but I can assure you there is a lot to it. PAIN is a skill based game which is why we have so much fun playing each other. Getting 50+ explosions in Fun With Explosives is not easy. But it sure is fun to watch.

I hope that shines more of a light on things.

Edited by Audioboxer
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i got it. after going through the tutorial i was thinking to myself, "what a waste of 10 bucks". but after playing the single and multiplayer modes for a while and learning how to do more stuff, i'm surprisingly addicted to this game.

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Was going to get it, I had 8.98 in my "wallet," just needed to add 5$, but for whatever reason it was saying my credit card information that I was trying to change was invalid. So now I will sit back and listen to feedback. I definitely am interested in it.

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does anyone know if visa gift cards will work on psn? if so, i'd be willing to create an account just for sharing games with other people. that way i won't have to input my personal credit card info and it'll be safer for me to share games.

i'd share the games that i bought with my regular account, but i'd rather not have other people accessing it. :p

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does anyone know if visa gift cards will work on psn? if so, i'd be willing to create an account just for sharing games with other people. that way i won't have to input my personal credit card info and it'll be safer for me to share games.

i'd share the games that i bought with my regular account, but i'd rather not have other people accessing it. :p

I only just found out today thats how the game sharing works!

I thought it was someone sending you the game (eg the whole thing 200mb+ for pain) in a "file" to your PS3.

What I have read though is that when you game share and the other person is using your account they don't have access to CC info/aren't able to purchase content - I don't know if thats true though.

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^they do have access to your CC info

But you just gotta delete the billing/CC info and temporary change your password

and of course, only do it with someone you trust :p

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