PSU talks with Free Radical - Haze and Timesplitters 4

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PSU talks with Free Radical's Rob Yescombe and Derek Littlewood.

PSU: What was the reason behind dropping development on the Xbox 360 and PC?

Derek Littlewood: From a development point of view, exclusive development is attractive because you can really focus on getting the best out of just one platform, rather than always needing to split your efforts across multiple versions of the game. And this is why exclusive PS3 development has been so useful to us, as the entire team has been able to work very closely with the PS3 hardware.

As for why the PS3 was our platform of choice, the company has a history of getting good results out of PlayStation hardware from our days working on the PS2, but also, out of the three platforms, the PS3 is still the youngest and so represented the best opportunity for us to get a game out into an uncrowded market where it was likely to get the best recognition.

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Huh? I thought they were just dropping the 360 and PC versions of Haze and keeping Timesplitters 4 multi-platform.

Anyway, i can't wait for TS4. I loved the multi-player on the games. It was always fast-paced and fun and had loads of good times. I think they were some of the best multiplayer FPS games available.

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