New Africa trailer for the PS3

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This is a mixtape of the New PS3 Game Afrika (Working Title) from Sony Entertainment, nobody knows exactly what you have to do in this game, but you must see it, fantastic ingame grafics

A Game without killing and murdering nice for younger children

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music by Mattafix-Living Dafur


Higher Res video:


I'm intrigued by this!

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I have no idea what you have to do in the game but it really looks beautiful. The cheetah is awesome :D I love those cats.

But I'm glad is not a about shooting animals.

Edit: I would love to see a HD or better version of that video

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Just a mixtape of different videos that have been released, and the great graphics thing made me laugh. The textures look like crap compared to other PS3 games.

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I have no idea what you have to do in the game but it really looks beautiful. The cheetah is awesome :D I love those cats.

But I'm glad is not a about shooting animals.

Edit: I would love to see a HD or better version of that video

I sent a message to the uploader asking if he could send me a link to his source file (hopefully in better quality).

It may not including "killing", but from the looks of it animals will naturally prey on other animals :yes:

Oxuyoska, our eyes must differ a lot. I think it looks great, good animation, lots of animals on screen at certain points, nice backdrops. If we get our hands on an HD copy, or at least a better quality video I think you'll sway a bit on that comment.

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A new trailer for Afrika has surfaced, showing over three minutes of the game. We don’t know what this PS3 exclusive is all about yet except that we once again see a dude wondering around taking photos.

But the developers definitely seem to be building a vast and beautiful world here and hopefully we’ll get to do something more that ride along in a Jeep and take pictures. Towards the end of the video, you’ll see a Cheetah hunting a Gazelle and for just a few glimpses the camera switches to the first person view, showing what it would be like the player was playing as the Cheetah. Hmmm…?

Here is a larger version. Slightly better quality I think?

Anyway, good news... the uploader on youtube messaged me back saying he is adding a HIGHER res video/with download on gametrailers in the next day or two (Y)

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That looks stunning. I am so getting that when it comes out, I hope you can drive the cars too. That'd be awesome.

The music is pretty good too, I'm starting to like Mattafix. :D

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I remember, this was suppose to be a launch title.

I didn't think it ever had a release date. It was shown very early then went completey dark - Lot of people thought it was canned.

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Looks weird, but the question is why? haha

I don't really see what you do in this game, if you could hunt and shoot the animals then it would make abit more sense. Nonetheless it looks great :D

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Looks weird, but the question is why? haha

I don't really see what you do in this game, if you could hunt and shoot the animals then it would make abit more sense. Nonetheless it looks great :D

I think the idea is to try something a little different than supplying the end user with guns/shooting. Soo many games revolve around that practice it's nice to get a breath of fresh air.

I fully support developers trying different things - Of course some may fall flat on their face, but (Y) from me for diversity.

From what we have seen, speculation is on a "pokeman snap" style game. Although tbh, there has been no confirmation on what the game will be all about.

I hope we hear some details early 2008.

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No blood that's for sure. Well, no "user inflicted" blood, maybe natural hunting.

Looks like the hynea's face is a bit bloody.

I wouldn't say this is a game aimed at kids or anything, im sure there will be natural blood from animal killing animal. Just none from being able to hurt animals yourself.

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Pokemon Snap was probably the least successful Pokemon game out of the series, or maybe it was Pikachu Pinball or something - I don't know. This game has potential because it's very different from the norm, but most "different" games sadly fail. :yes:

But you never know, depending on what route the developers take this game could be good. Hopefully it doesn't pull a Lair with all the hype. :rofl:

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Yeah exactly, but that would mean that this is not a game, but a nature simulation. There isn't much public appeal in that case. What else can they implement to make it more attractive?

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Yeah exactly, but that would mean that this is not a game, but a nature simulation. There isn't much public appeal in that case. What else can they implement to make it more attractive?

I don't believe it's the type of game to be number 1 seller on the gaming charts.

As with all things unique/different they tend to start off with appealing to a niche market, then build in momentum and potentially win over those who wouldn't of thought of playing something like it before - All based on how worthwhile the content is of course.

IMO it's more of a eye-catcher. People will be like "ohhh whats that game?" "what console is that game on?" ect.

Unfortunately all we can do is speculate on what you actually do just now... probably what the developers are aiming for right now, keep us all guessing.

It's going to be another title for Sony to be able to go out and say "We are the leaders in innovation thanks to Home, unique games like Arfika... Blu Ray" ect.

Also how can you say it's not a game but a simulation at the same time? Most games ARE simulations... :blink:

We have football simulation, driving simulation, war simulation... why not a photography simulator which just happens to be based in a wildlife enviroment? <- Of course thats me speculating on what Afrika actually is ;)

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I'm not arguing, but what I meant was, this is only a wildlife simulation, so users will be able to interact with the environment, and thats it. In other simulations, you get more involved, more part of the action. In this you get involved, but on a different level. You just see how nature reacts, and this market is really small.

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If it is just a nature simulation, I could see Sony attempting to put this into schools, and infiltrate young kids minds' that way.

"Hey, my teacher has a PS3 at school. Mom, can we get one of those?"

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Oxuyoska, our eyes must differ a lot. I think it looks great, good animation, lots of animals on screen at certain points, nice backdrops. If we get our hands on an HD copy, or at least a better quality video I think you'll sway a bit on that comment.

LOL CRAP! HD Video.....

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