Sony aims for comeback win with PS3

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Hmm... IGN has a game profile. Hardly confirmed.

Ohh look, they also got a game page for Halo DS and duke nukem forever - Wonder if they know the release date also.

Sorry if you took my post to literally, Their main exclusives are out the door... Buzz! wont save them now :p


How on earth are they? What are the main exclusives that are out?

Nauge, practically everyone on Neowin will back me up in saying the PS3 has NOT seen the exclusive titles we all want to see - Most of which come in 2008 like I said.

And nauge, go read stuff before you crack the jokes

TGS 2007: MotorStorm 2 Official

US, September 20, 2007 - A recent press release has confirmed what many racing fans have been looking forward to: Evolution Studios is currently working on a sequel to the PS3 hit, MotorStorm. Although the details on MotorStorm 2 are quite slim at the moment, we know it will ship on Blu-ray disc, and Evolution is also working on additional content for the original MotorStorm, to distribute over the PlayStation Network.

We'll have more on MotorStorm 2 as information becomes available.


RFOM2 is a little more rumour based, but you'd be daft to believe it isn't coming -

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