[Football] Mutu to pay Blues

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Romania striker Adrian Mutu has been ordered by Fifa to pay ?12 million to Chelsea for testing positive for cocaine in 2004, according to his lawyer.

Chelsea bought Mutu from Parma in 2003 for ?15million and let him go in October 2004 after he tested positive for cocaine. He was suspended from all football for the next seven months.

The English Premier League also ruled that Mutu's misconduct was a unilateral breach of contract without just cause. In December 2005, an appeal filed by Mutu against the Premier League's decision was dismissed.

Fifa made the decision after the Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled in May 2007 that the world football body would decide what fine Mutu should pay.

Chelsea had asked for ?8million (?10 million) in compensation, a claim that was based on the transfer value of Mutu, but Fifa have now ruled Mutu must pay Chelsea ?12million (?9.6million).


Mutu's lawyer, Cristian Sarbu, said the player would contest the fine in a civil court. Sarbu added that the decision was not final and Mutu would not pay any compensation until all legal avenues had been exhausted.

"People should understand that this is a decision taken by a sporting tribunal," Sarbu said. "After this is final, this decision can be taken to a civil court."


Edited by Rappy
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  • 2 months later...
Fifa have ordered Adrian Mutu to pay Chelsea a whopping ?13.68million in compensation following his sacking in 2004.

The Blues paid ?15.8million to Parma for Mutu in 2003, but just a year later he was sacked after failing a drugs test for Class A drug cocaine.

Mutu's lawyer, Cristian Sarbu, claimed earlier in the summer that his client was told to pay ?9.6million by Fifa and that the Romania striker would be contesting the ruling.


Chelsea were naturally delighted by the award and claim the decision benefits football on the whole as it sends the right message out to youngsters.

"Chelsea can confirm that it has received the decision from Fifa's Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC) on the claim made against Adrian Mutu," read a statement on the club's official website.

"Chelsea is delighted with the DRC's decision to award the club ?13.68 million in compensation.

"This is an important decision for football. Not only did the DRC make us a very significant monetary award, the decision also recognised the damaging effect incidents involving drugs has on football and the responsibilities we all have in this area."

:|| :|

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Ridiculous. They purged/nullified/canceled/whatevered the contract, so there should be no contractual obligations left...

Chelsea still coughed up the money to buy him.

Though with the Mark Bosnich experience they should have drug tested Mutu before purchase.

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They may have coughed up the money to buy him, but they still terminated his contract. He didn't leave off his own accord. Kind of like if you resign as opposed to being sacked. You are basically leaving through your own accord and are not eligible for compensation or benefits. Likewise, it works the same vice versa, Chelsea let him go, basically stopped employing him and paying a wage, so how can they possibly claim compensation?

I seriously doubt, if he takes this through the human rights courts, that he will have to pay such a ridiculous fee.

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Yeah, but the decision was made by Fifa, I should think he would be able to take the appeal through a proper court.

After all who are Fifa to make a decision like this. By the way, wouldn't a penalty like this be similar to enslaving him? What do you think Sepp? :p

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Adrian Mutu has vowed to appeal the 17.2million euros (?13.5million) fine he must pay to former club Chelsea.

The punishment was handed to the Romania international as a result of his failed drugs test in 2004 which led to the Blues parting company with the striker.

However, the Fiorentina hit-man claims the fine is 'unjust' and 'inhumane' and intends to fight to have the ruling overturned.

"This is an unjust and inhumane sentence. We are going to appeal," Mutu said as he prepares to represent his country in a friendly against Latvia on Wednesday.

"This sanction is not right, because I don't think I have committed a crime that merits such an amount," he said, adding that he would be speaking to his lawyers.


Fifa ordered Mutu to pay the hefty fine after he was found to have taken cocaine during his time at Stamford Bridge.

The 29-year-old was subsequently banned for seven months and released from his contract with the Blues.

Last week's decision to penalise the player saw football's governing body hand out their highest ever fine, with the ruling based on Chelsea's loss of earnings.

Worryingly for Mutu, the Premier League club have stated that they fully intend to recoup the full amount of which they are owed.

"This is an important decision for football," read a club statement.

"The decision also recognised the damaging effect incidents involving drugs has on football and the responsibilities we all have in this area."

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  • 11 months later...
I'm rather sure he should beat this on appeal.

Today's declaration by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ordered Adrian Mutu to pay over ?17 million in compensation to Chelsea for "breach of contract".

The Romanian tested positive for cocaine after a doping test in 2004, but has put his career back on tract with Fiorentina after a brief spell with Juventus.

His team-mates are now rallying around him, and the club captain Dario Dainelli has announced that they will give him both personal and financial help.

"It is obvious that Adrian cannot be very happy," he said, according to Tuttomercatoweb.com.

"However, we are trying to joke about it with him and, together with the rest of the squad, we will raise some money

to help him."

The 30-year-old formed a lethal partnership with Alberto Gilardino for Fiorentina last season, and hopefully for the Gigliati faithful, the show of solidarity from his team-mates will spur the Romanian on to a similarly successful season next year.

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He was stupid to break the law, and the rules in that way, but I don't really think the punishment fits the crime. I have seen companies fined less for criminal misconduct that costs lives :/

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I think chelsea should be fined. They were the ones which dumped him, as far as they were concerned they didn't want to give him the time to redeem himself, they didn't even sell him.

Considering how Chelsea have operated over the last few years with regards to players and managers, 15 mill is nothing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mutu Forced to Retire by Chelsea

Adrian Mutu will be forced to quit football by Chelsea if he doesn't pay them the ?17,173,990 compensation he was ordered to by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), and the race is now on to try and save his career, according to La Nazione.

Mutu has until Monday to pay Chelsea the compensation. If he doesn't, then the Premier League side will force the player to quit by applying to FIFA for a ban.

The race is now on to try and find a solution and the report suggests Mutu is looking at every avenue. It is said Fiorentina and the player's legal team are looking towards UEFA and the European Courts for a hand. Furthermore, voices in Italy claim Chelsea are in no mood to offer the player a chance to find the cash. He either pays, or stops playing football, putting his career at risk.

News emerging from Italy has shocked the country, and Florence in particular. The Della Valle family who own Fiorentina are also getting involved and they have applied to the Italian FA to support them. Italian minister for work Maurizio Sacconi is urging the Berlusconi-led government to take action in an attempt to save the player's career.

"The Mutu case is delicate and I urge the government to get involved," said the minister.

It is also said Juventus and Livorno are ready to back Mutu in his plea for justice. There are serious fears that the game against Palermo tomorrow night could be his last. The player's legal team and club are working over time in an attempt to explore new avenues and buy him more time.

As a last resort, the paper has even suggested a fund raising event in the city in an attempt to help the striker pay the massive sum.

All this comes from the player's sacking by Chelsea in October 2004 when he was found positive for cocaine during a doping test. Mutu was then ordered to pay Chelsea ?17m in damages after the CAS rejected an appeal following the initial compensation decision last year.

In May 2008, the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber ruled that Mutu had committed a breach of contract whilst at Chelsea after he was found positive for a doping test in 2004.

Mutu appealed to the CAS against the decision, but the panel upheld the original judgement by the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber, and ruled in favour of Chelsea. The decision means Mutu will have to pay the Premier League side a total of ?17,173,990 in compensation.

The striker is now trying desperately to find a solution and it is said he will take the case to the high courts.

Chelsea's stance in this matter has shocked sections of the football world, and there are fears in some quarters over the damage this has done to their public relations.

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What a bunch of scumbags the Chelsea outfit really are. My dislike of them has been growing stronger with every passing season. Sure, taking drugs is wrong but there is no need for him to be forced to end his career because of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fiorentina striker Adrian Mutu has issued an open letter to Chelsea over their massive compo demand.

?I cannot pay such a sum and no person in my condition realistically could,? said the Fiorentina striker in a statement released to news agency ANSA.

?It is not an issue of intention so much as the comprehension of a rational and natural principle of inability.

?I am sorry for what happened when I was at Chelsea and I have carried that disappointment within me for years.?

Mutu was ordered to pay compensation after failing a drugs test while at Stamford Bridge in 2004 and could even be banned from football if he does not resolve the debt.

?I think that the best way to define this issue, with the reciprocal satisfaction of all parties, would be this: I pledge to make a significant donation to a charity on Florence or another Italian city that works to help youngsters who have been affected by drugs and an identical donation to a charity chosen by Chelsea and another in my country of Romania.

?I absolutely no not wish to do ?mere charity? as much as prove along with Chelsea that our world is able to remember the real international and social importance of sport.

?That football is able to overcome its conflicts to contribute to the suffering of young people who have made mistakes, sometimes encouraged by bad examples set by various elements of society, including the world of sport.

?I want to show these young people they should not be destroyed, but recovered with the real values of life.?

Tribal Football

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  • 9 months later...

Adrian Mutu must pay Chelsea ?14m after losing appeal

Former Chelsea striker Adrian Mutu has lost his final appeal in a five-year legal battle and must pay the club ?14m in damages for breach of contract.

The Swiss Federal Court confirmed on Monday that they have upheld the decision made by Fifa and the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Mutu, 31- who now plays for Fiorentina - was sacked by the Blues in 2004 after testing positive for cocaine.

Romanian Mutu received a seven-month worldwide football ban.

The English Premier League club then set about suing him in order to recover the ?15m they paid to sign him from Parma in 2003, which they now look largely set to achieve.

Switzerland's highest court issued the following statement: "The Swiss Federal Tribunal has rejected the appeal filed by Adrian Mutu against a sentence by Cas.

"The Cas had sentenced the professional Romanian footballer to paying a sum of more than 17 million euros to his previous employer, Chelsea Football Club Limited."

Last year, Cas upheld Fifa's ruling for a breach of contract - which Mutu described as "inhumane and unjust" when it was issued in 2008.

The compensation figure, based on lost earnings, was calculated on the length of time Mutu's Chelsea contract had left to run, and was the highest handed down by Fifa.

After serving his ban, Mutu joined Juventus in January 2005 and at the end of the following season he moved to his current side Fiorentina.

When Fifa announced its verdict in 2008, Chelsea welcomed it, calling it "a very significant decision for football".

The Blues have made no comment on the decision of the Swiss Federal Court.


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