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WeatherScout Released!

After using WeatherAlert for many years, I have decided to step into the Weather Application scene with my own program.

I am using weather data from, avoiding the limitations that puts on its API.

The wunderground API also has a few neat things such as personal weather station data.

WeatherScout is written in C# (.NET Client Framework 3.5). download framework


Oct 26th, 2008 -- WeatherScout -- Alpha 3: Download Here

Sep 25th, 2008 -- ClimateWatcher -- Alpha 2: Download Here

Sep 19th, 2008 -- ClimateWatcher -- Alpha 1


I am not much for words, so here are some screenshots:



Yes, it does look like WeatherAlert. WeatherAlert is the only good weather program I could find to base the UI off of (kudos to darkmark327). This is only a early alpha version, so I will be tweaking the interface.

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Looks great! I'd like to try it out once it's ready :)

How about the name ClimateWatchr, to continue the localhostr uploadr naming convention... just a thought.

I thought of using Weathr. But I am not a huge fan of Web 2.0 naming conventions.

I am working on the updater for the program right now. Once updates work, I will probably release a test version.

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Looks very nice! Great work!

I really would like to see further development on it. We have plenty of people at school districts that always grab some free weather app, like weatherbug and they are just awful. We actually kill those process all the time so people can't run that trash.

I never found anything that I've liked, so I use the My-Cast app on my AT&T Tilt phone. It's just awesome and gives me everything that I need. But something for the desktop would be cool, especially if I don't want to check out my phone or I have bad reception, etc.

Nice use of the famfamfam icons (I love those) as well. Keep it up! :)

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Looking at the list of stations in, it has fewer in UK than the source used by weather alert. It does not have the 3 locations I use with weather alert

I am planning on using multiple sources sometime in the future. (wunderground, noaa,, yahoo)

This would most likely be in the form of plugins.

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Nice program. Ill be in for using it when you release it.

Oo btw, offtopic, but what skin is that?

I mean it looks like your using a custom XP skin, and I like the way it looks, can you tell me the name?

Its the Zune theme I think, available from the Zune website.

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Nice program. Ill be in for using it when you release it.

Oo btw, offtopic, but what skin is that?

I mean it looks like your using a custom XP skin, and I like the way it looks, can you tell me the name?

Royale Theme for WinXP. You can find it on Google.

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Climate Watcher -- Alpha1

Download Here

Remember... there WILL be errors.

NOTE: when entering a new location, you do not have to use a zip code. You can also try City,State or City,Country.

I will be adding a location finder in the next release.

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Trying it now :)

I've added my location (Tijuana) but I don't know how to make that my default forecast.

Also, a couple of recommendations: double-click the tray icon to bring the window back up, and the three views would work better as icons or buttons somewhere on the main window.

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Trying it now :)

I've added my location (Tijuana) but I don't know how to make that my default forecast.

Also, a couple of recommendations: double-click the tray icon to bring the window back up, and the three views would work better as icons or buttons somewhere on the main window.

It's a bug. You need to restart the program before your location will show up.

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