Media Center and HD Cable

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I currently have basic cable from Time Warner (Texas). Basically it only has about 20 analog channels. I have coaxial lines plugging in directly into my Samsung HDTV and PC tuner card. One thing I noticed with my Samsung HDTV is that it picks up some HD digital channels, don't know how but it does. My tuner card and Windows Media Center won't pick up those channels, just the analog ones.

Is it possible to get WMC to pick up those HD channels? And what format is it? QAM? ASTC? I'm really puzzled here...

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Did some research.

My tuner card supports HD. I wouldn't have bought it if it didn't. It supports Clear QAM (unencrypted digital signal), which is what my Samsung HDTV is picking up. The tuner displays Clear QAM perfectly with the included third-party software. The only problem is that Microsoft/Hauppauge are having trouble integrating Clear QAM into Windows Media Center. I did some browsing at The Green Button forums and have found numerous beta patches, updates, and registry hacks. Some people are using a different model tuner within the same brand and have gotten theirs to display Clear QAM in WMC. All who have the same model as me, have tried to get their tuner to work with no success.

All I can do is wait for a patch/update. Hauppauge/Microsoft really need to work together on this one...

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Just wanted to update a bit.

After doing a bit more research, it appears that the only stable card on the market that does support Clear QAM via Vista Media Center is the AverMedia AverTV Combo. Just ordered it and will be returning this Hauppauge card.

I find it sad and ironic how a program designed specifically for TV viewing can't take full advantage of a hardware's capabilities and vice versa.

I just wanted to throw this little update out just incase someone seems to stumble upon this thread via Google or something.

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