Q&A with Paul Frields at Red Hat

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Got another Q&A for you guys. :D

Paul Frields of Red Hat, has very kindly agreed to take some time to answer your questions. Paul has worked with Fedora since 2003, and became the Fedora Project Leader earlier this year. Amongst other things, Paul is also chairman of the Fedora Project Board, which makes decisions on how Fedora will move forward.

All the questions for Joe Brockmeier a few weeks ago were very good, and I look forward to seeing what questions (whether about Fedora specifically, or Linux in general) you can come up with this time. You have until the 3rd January, which is when I will be forwarding the best questions to Paul, for him to answer for you.

So ask away! :)

Edited by Fourjays
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Just so you know guys, you are free to ask questions similar to the ones that you asked Joe Brockmeier as Paul may have a different opinion. :)

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As some people will have been busy or away due to the holiday season, Paul has agreed to extend the time for questions another week. Please put forward any questions you have for Paul, whether they are about Linux in general or Fedora.

A question from me to try and get things rolling:

One of the things I have always noticed about Fedora is the default desktop wallpaper, which gives a real sense of effort and refinement when you see it for the first time. Did Fedora choose to go this route, or did it happen by chance? Is there any particular thought process or symbolism behind the images and how long does it take the artist to create them?

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Interested to know Paul's take on the current state of Linux. It felt to me like 2008 was an excellent year with distributions like Fedora and Ubuntu gaining some real ground, and firmly finding their feet - especially now with surge in Netbook sales, people are looking to (and finding a great product) in Linux.

Does he see this continuing on into 2009 and beyond? Will Netbooks continue to be prime real estate for Linux vendors?

Thanks :)

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Another question if I may.

Many people (rightly or wrongly) attribute the increased success of MacOS and a number Linux distributions to Windows Vista. Microsoft look to be trying REALLY hard to make sure Windows 7 doesn't launch into the same kind of hate-storm. What are vendors such as Red Hat doing to make sure that they're ready to compete with Windows 7? Are there any killer features on the horizon (beyond the good stuff we're already used to?) :)

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I just want to know what he thinks the future of linux will be like ? Can it compete and hold its own against microsoft and apple ? Does he think one day linux will become soo popular people will have to pay to use it ? I too want to know how they intent on competing with windows 7 which looks to be a solid, fast system.

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Given the oppurtunity (thanks neowin :p) I would like to ask the following questions:

  • How is the Fedora Team working to make the project unique, ie, what features will we find in Fedora next releases that won't in other similiar distributions like Ubuntu?
  • What is Fedora's top priority for 2009? What goal do you want to achieve the most?
  • What is the main target market of Fedora? Inexperient users tend to find Ubuntu, Mint more friendly while power users prefer Gentoo, Archlinux or slackware so how does Fedora positionate?
  • Would the Fedora team consider changing the release method to a rolling release instead of the actual six month scheme? Why (not)?
  • There are people that consider that Linux's main DEs (Gnome and KDE) try to mimic OS X or Windows behaviour, style and features. What do you think about this?
  • Emacs or Vi? Gnome or KDE? :p

Sorry for my bad english. Feel free to correct or exclude any questions.

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I'd feel kind of lame asking questions since I'm a Linux noob, just wanted to give thumbs up for the thread, this is going to be really nice to read (Y)

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Just a reminder that the closing date for questions is this Saturday! Want as many as possible for Paul from the Neowin community. :)

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Okay I have one:

We've seen that some major distros are taking into account the netbook market by releasing specialized versions of their distributions (like Ubuntu Netbook Remix). Considering that Google is doing a similar thing with their Android OS (which should soon premiere on a netbook as well), and that the portable device market is growing, what are Fedora team's views on it? Any special version we might see in the future?

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I'll wait til tomorrow morning (GMT) for your question kyro, then I really must pass the questions on to Paul. In the mean time, anyone else who still have questions can feel free to put them forward until then as well.

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So how did you foray in linux begin? and then how did you get to be in Fedora/Redhat team ? What are you working on mainly on day-to-day basis when working now? Do you work from home or have to commute?

Relationship with Redhat:

How much control Redhat Enterprise team have on Fedora? Has there been any package added to release on behest of redhat as is known that Fedora is seen as testbed for some packages.

There was a recent rumour that Redhat is going to introduce Desktop OS ( although i think they already have Desktop OS on their only shopping list) , later it was announced that Redhat will not release any new Desktop OS (Source:- Cnet ) and simply doesn't expect any viable Business market for Linux Desktop OS , how did news impact Fedora team?

Fedora and users:

Is there any talks in fedora team to provide a Support based desktop system for a price? or even you guys think there is no such market ?

What are the top requests by Fedora users for next version of Fedora?

What is the most wanted feature request by Fedora users which Fedora will never be able to add due to legal reasons ? What about easily make it available for people out of USA (Automatically) where those laws don't apply? Hint: MP3 and other codecs


Is there any special focus by Fedora team regarding optimizing it for Netbooks? How does Fedora look at this new trend of Netbooks? Whats the next hardware technology where you think Fedora can excel or be optimized ? Hint: PS3

Fedora and things:

Can you name any package or service in Fedora which hasn't got that publicity among users but is very useful for desktop users according to you? Any personal favorites ?

And finally UBUNTU :

Ubuntu has lots of (comparatively) loud users who are majorly new to Linux and are very excited seeing the prospect of it and the mileage they get from its use, lots of developers to have seen adopting Ubuntu as their default OS, they of course do release source code too which can be rebuilt in Fedora later by fedora-users/developers but have you personally seen any direct impact on Fedora and its release because of this adoption of ubuntu by developers?


How do you see the future of Linux Adoption and Fedora's role in it? Are there any strategic plans at fedora to expand user-base? What do you think of Apple Products getting large userbase (ipod macbook) and Apple's OSX getting larger userbase? do you see Apple and Linux competing head-to-head (Mac VS Linux ads?) or I am thinking far too ahead?


Any message to Fedora and other Linux users? Can you tell about anything exciting to come in future Fedora release?

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Thanks for all your questions guys. Will pass the best ones on to Paul shortly. :) Should see his answers up on the front page in the next week or two.

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