World Snooker Championship 2009

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Love snooker, glad to see Ronnie still on form, that newer cue must be pretty special. I'm gonna be keeping an eye on Marco Fu as well, he always impresses me.

In other good news, I actually trounced Ronnie O'Sullivan in WSC Real 09 today too :D

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Love snooker, glad to see Ronnie still on form, that newer cue must be pretty special. I'm gonna be keeping an eye on Marco Fu as well, he always impresses me.

In other good news, I actually trounced Ronnie O'Sullivan in WSC Real 09 today too :D

Yeah if he keeps his head in the game he's the best there is

Stephen Hendry just won :D

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Same, he is an awesome player to watch.

The Hendry match was interesting, I feel Mark's form dipped badly at the end of the match, evidently his cue-tip distraction was worse than some people realised. Hendry also looked a bit more like his old self, although he will have to cut out the mistakes he made when he comes up against more in-form opposition

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Hendry was phenomenal today, 1000 frames as well which is a massive know outside favourite I feel.

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He is dominant. Ronnie's own worst enemy is his own mind, not any of his opponents. Real shame to see him go out, but credit to Mark Allen he played very well and deserves his place in the next round. Ronnie has looked pretty out of sorts all season, and I hope he picks his form up soon.

Hendry... Showing still what ability he has, great performance from him. Dunno if anyone else agrees with me, but since Ding got trounced by Ronnie in the 2006 masters he just hasn't looked the same player.

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Did you see what Ronnie said after the match he said the score flatters Mark Allen, said the way he was playing Allen should of won by a bigger score to love Ronnies interviews...remember when he gave up the frame after just 1 or 2 reds :rofl:

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Technically he is right, if he had have been playing someone like Maguire I feel he would have wiped ronnie off the table the way he played. That is one of the reasons I love Ronnie so much, he is such an awesome character. And yeah I do remember that, but the one that will stick in my mind is the game where he walked out of the UK against Hendry, for me the lowest point of his career.

I also finally saw the clip on YouTube of his Interview after the China Open, with the comments about Fellatio ("You wanna give me a nosh!?") and for me it just proved his point that Snooker is run by stuffy old men. I will admit that it was somewhat disrespectful but I laughed my nuts off, it was just so funny.

Really I feel Ronnie's personality just isn't suited to snooker sometimes, I feel he'd be more at home on the pool circuits.

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Yep, watched it myself as well. The 3 ball plant he pulled off in the middle of the break was outstanding. Not a massive fan, but fair play to him he is in good form

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I hope not, not a huge fan of Higgins really. Out of the players left I have no real preference, but as an outsider I'd like to see Robertson win

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Glad murphy didn't win, what he did to his wife was disgusting from a guy who is supposedly a christian.

What did he do? :|

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How you can play well enough to get to a final, yet not turn up in the final is just beyond me. He is after all a former champion, so why the pressure got to him so badly is surprising.

I was hoping to see either Mark Selby or Neil Robertson do well. I guess Robertson got through to the semis, but they are both definately future champion candidates IMO.

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Not at all nice

I can't help but feel that's completely over-hyped considering it comes from News of the World. Are there any better sources out there? The fact that the article starts off slandering the man because of his weight (which has absolutely nothing to do with this) shows the article for what it is.

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