ARe Gamers Inmature?

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In my case (15 almost 16)... i dont think gamers are always inmature, nor this affects that.

Let me know what you think... I dont like parents to see games as a "child stuff"... at least dad doesnt wants to see games as what is really - an Strong Industry.


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in most cases they are not!

but there is some guys who doesnt do anything except play cs all their time- then they are inmature.

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If you have a job or are going to college/university, you have no time for games. Thats why it is child stuff, because they have time to play it.

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If you have a job or are going to college/university, you have no time for games. Thats why it is child stuff, because they have time to play it.


oh boy. My dad played games with me all the time when I was a kid, and he had a job. AS far as I'm concerned, your job should not be a big concern in your life, especially one that robs you of free time.

And, apparently you've never been to college, because otherwise you'd know what you said is COMPLETELY false. :yes:

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My dad used to play games with me all the time when I was a kid too. We used to play Legend of Zelda and the first Castlevania all the time, taking turns when one of us would get ****ed. I have a job, as does my wife, and we have a PS2 and a Gamecube, and a lot of games. I don't get a chance to play as much as I'd like to, but I do play Metroid Prime or LoZ: WW whenever I can, and she's really into fighting games like Virtua Fighter and the DOA series.

I don't think gamers are amateurish for playing games, although I do think that the attitudes and opinions of some younger gamers do leave a lot to be desired, especially when they get into a fanboy trip.

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If you have a job or are going to college/university, you have no time for games. Thats why it is child stuff, because they have time to play it.

i'm going to college now, i still have time to spend on my consoles. ;) not much though, most of the time i'm on neowin. :D

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I'm 27 and I work my arse off... and I still have time to play :) Not as much as when I was a kid ofcourse (late nights with super mario bros comes to mind), but it's all good.

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It's immature, not inmature. Inmature is not a word. I'm only telling you because it's obvious that you believe that's how it's pronounced and spelled.

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If you have a job or are going to college/university, you have no time for games.  Thats why it is child stuff, because they have time to play it.

i can see some truth in that statement, but i wouldn't say no time at all. i work a full time job and still find time occasionally to play video games, but admittedly, far less than I used to.

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I would say alot of the online gamers are immature acting. Since they pretty much live on the net, they don't obtain those essential social skills. So when those people do get out with a mass of people they usually act like idiots.

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I would say alot of the online gamers are immature acting. Since they pretty much live on the net, they don't obtain those essential social skills. So when those people do get out with a mass of people they usually act like idiots.


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gamers immature? WTH are they smoking? If gamers immature, so does the developer. So no, gamers are so mature, they can act in their own pr0n!

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Holy Jebus! You know what. Games are not immature. Some gamers are but that all depends on what you consider immature. I work a full time job and run my own buisness and yet I still find tim in my busy schedule to play some UT2k3 or CS or WC3 or something else on either my PC, PS2 or, Xbox. So, becuase I play games I'm immature? That statement is wrought with stupidity. I know plenty of people that are older and play games. It's a way to relax and it's just plain fun! If you don't like playing games or feel that it would make you seem less mature then you are the one who is immature. You have to be happy, and if gaming is fun and enjoyable then don't deny yourself happiness. Just don't let it run your life like alot of the people that I met over the past few years that have gotten into Evercrack and now this new on Shadowbane. Some of them have gone so far as to get another job because the one they got in the way of their EQ time. Now that's immature and childish. :angry: Sorry for the rant. :( I'll be happy now. :D

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yeah if you think gamers are immature you might as well say that people who enjoy cartoons are immature :o

i do both, damn i'm 3 years old. :ninja:

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It's just been my experience with online people. I play alot of Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 and that's pretty much all I see are immature brats.

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well I will say yes "IMO" good example last night I was playing AA and a guy was using an aimbot and talking all kinds of smack. I got an admin to drop in prove he was cheating and he came back under another sn. geez the trouble people go thru if your not good you keep playing to get better. but this is from my experience so I have to say that many are immature ......

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Well, i just was trying to know if i was right, and according to all your opinions, i Was. Sorry for the mispelling, but english is not my language.

There will be war at home soon ! Please keep posting your opinions

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If you have a job or are going to college/university, you have no time for games.  Thats why it is child stuff, because they have time to play it.

I consider college to be my "Office Space" - i'd say in a given week i do 15 minutes of actual hard work.

Games one of the many outlets out there to relieve the stress of college (along with partying, drinking, sleeping, drinking, talking, and did i say drinking?) - and lemme tell ya, you haven't lived until you've played Goldeneye and Super Smash Brothers #@$!-ass drunk :D .

Edited by chrisa107
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hahahahaha. when i was in college, we used to get all ****ed up and play Goldeneye, Mario Kart and 1080 Snowboarding .. tons of fun!

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