[Boxing] Amir Khan vs. Dmitriy Salita

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It's on now! Looks a difficult one indeed for Khan. But I'm quite interested by the Kevin Mitchell vs. Breidis Prescott undercard. Two very dangerous hitters and it has all the makings of an all out war!

Still waiting for the Amir Khan vs. Breidis Prescott rematch!

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it's just boring watching Khan now...I mean I like Boxing and I like good fighters but with Khan its like wheres the moneys worth in that...a good fight that lasts 8/9 rounds and its back and forth is much better.

<//rant over>


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That is a knockout, that crap tonight was a fix plain and simple, pure theatre.

it was over quick but a fix I am not so sure on, Khan just doesn't have good opponents its true what one commenter said on BBC site that tonights opponent was at the class Khan was facing but when he turned Pro, there's talk of Mitchell which would be awesome after his match tonight or maybe even Manny down the line now those are fights I think would be worth the cash.

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Well, Salita definitely wasn't a fighter that was fed to Khan, because Frank Warren didn't choose the fighter. Salita was the mandatory no.1 contender listed by the WBA. It's not like he had a poor record, 35 victories and no losses is no mean feat. Either way, it just showed that Khan is in a different league and definitely needs to head for shores aborad i.e. Las Vegas! :p I'll retract my opening statement of wanting to to see the Breidis Prescott rematch as I think Khan will be too strong for him too. Maybe a couple more contenders and then there will be talk of unification bouts.

Manny would be a very interesting fight, but it's unlikely to ever happen. There's the argument of who will train who, plus the fact that Khan isn't at Manny's level yet and also the fact that Manny may walk if he shuts up Mayweather and why shouldn't he, he has nothing left to prove.

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I just watched it, man I hate when Refs stop a fight to early. Boxing is a brutal sport, and yes I am well aware that over the years it has been proven that these guys very well may turn into a vegetable, but I mean cm-on, let the dude really get knocked out first. Same thing with the Roy Jones fight last week. Jones was still on the ropes. Until they are flat on their back, I say let it go on...

And keep in mind I am only referring to these first round stoppages. Later rounds then yes I get it, for the sake of the man on the receiving end, stop it.

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I just watched it, man I hate when Refs stop a fight to early. Boxing is a brutal sport, and yes I am well aware that over the years it has been proven that these guys very well may turn into a vegetable, but I mean cm-on, let the dude really get knocked out first. Same thing with the Roy Jones fight last week. Jones was still on the ropes. Until they are flat on their back, I say let it go on...

And keep in mind I am only referring to these first round stoppages. Later rounds then yes I get it, for the sake of the man on the receiving end, stop it.

yeah that fight was crazy, I still think RJJ vs Hopkins will be an awesome fight.

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yeah that fight was crazy, I still think RJJ vs Hopkins will be an awesome fight.

Yep not to hijack the thread but I actually saw the Hopkins fight first and then they replayed the RJJ fight. Bernard downplayed it, saying an old champ like RJJ should not have been stopped so quick, but I did happen to agree. Granted Jones was definitely a bit frazzled, and he was not throwing back, he was in a shell on the ropes protecting himself. This fight I can see a little more why it was stopped, even still I say let the guy get knocked it again, but definitely that RJJ fight should not have been stopped when it was. No way at all.

I think Hopkins-Jones Jr is still going to happen regardless. Just to big of a fight and it is what they both want. Man, gonna be so hard to route for one or the other, I have loved them both over the years, but I would be routing for B-Hop at the end of the day.

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