[NFL] Divisional Playoff Picks

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Well, so far I've had a GREAT football year. Alabama won the National Championship in College Football. ROLL TIDE!

Second best thing? The Dallas Cowboys FINALLY won a post-season game. It's been 13 long years! Now, they are my team, but they're not great like the days of the early 90's Cowboys. But hey, they're on their way. My picks people might not agree with, but I have a feeling some teams people think are going, aren't going to make it!


Ravens over Colts

Bolts over Jets


Cowboys over Vikings

Cardinals over Saints


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Chargers and Cowboys are red hot right now, and that's a scary element, but I don't see the Cowboys going to the Super Bowl. I'm going all home teams this weekend.

Colts over Ravens

Chargers over Jets

Vikings over Cowboys

Saints over Cardinals

I wouldn't be surprised to see the Vikings or Saints lose though, even though I bleed black and gold

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I, too, am a long time Cowboys fan and excited about the slump ending. My picks:


Colts over the Ravens

Jets over the Bolts


Cowboys over the Vikings

Saints over the Cardinals

Gotta make it interesting.


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No way the Saints can win ... they have no Def! They might burn your ass on Offense, but their D needs a MAJOR overhaul!

Don't be so confident in that. Forcing the Cardinals to play catch up could work in the Saints' favor. They have an mostly ineffective running game and if they play catch up, they'll be forced to pass more and take more risks, though they can be just as explosive as the Saints offense. Typically, but not always, those situations yield positive results for the leading team.

We had a great defense until injuries started to mount. They were among the top defenses until about mid way through the season, when injuries forced our secondary to rely on backups and backup backups. They even brought in new players, some previously cut, because the secondary was getting so depleted. The key this season has been about health and it has hurt us tremendously. Last two seasons, we were simply awful, always getting burned on big plays, but not as much this season. Teams know how much of a liability Malcolm Jenkins is to the defense, as he is constantly the target of first down passes or big plays. Half the scores by Dallas were against him IIRC.

Still, with all that said, I have my fair share of concerns with this game, and if the Saints lose, I wouldn't be surprised.

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Saints remind me of the Chargers of the late seventies and early eighties. Great offense able to blow away even the best defenses; however, when it comes to defense they are like the Chargers of the early years they lack any kind of defensive measures.

Still would like to see Saints in the Superbowl going against the Chargers, that could be a great game (hopefully).

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True, but how healthy are they going to be this weekend? I haven't heard anything. Is Reggie full strength right now?

They rested a good bit of the secondary in the last game, and they've had the bye week, but there's still plenty of reason for concern.

Not sure about Bush's status, I haven't heard anything it, but even with Bush in or out, the offense has plenty of running and passing power. Bush simply adds a dynamic element for a number of possibilities.

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The cards dont have much of a defense either. That game against the Packers should not have been that high...but, since both of their defenses were terrible, it was a shootout. The Saints win this one, then lose again to Dallas the following week.

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Ravens vs Colts

Jets vs Chargers


Cowboys vs Vikings

Cardinals vs Saints

I believe in Rex Ryan and I think they can take down San Diego, it should be a great game at least I hope.

I think that Dallas is rolling strong right now and if they can take down Minnesota this weekend, I believe they can roll on to the Super Bowl.

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Colts over Ravens

Jets over Chargers


Viking over Cowboys (think this will be the closest game)

Cardinals over Saints (don't think it'll go this way, I just want it to)

Worth mentioning, I'm (very) new to NFL, first season I've really taken an interest in it, and even then it's only really been the last month and a bit where I've properly followed it. Got Madden for iPod Touch and just ordered it for PS3, so hopefully next season I'll know a lot more ;)

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We lost some posts due to the forum reversion. New list of games:

AFC Championship

Colts over Jets

NFC Championship

Saints over Vikings

Saints defense did great, minus the first play from scrimmage. Beyond that, I'd say they effectively shut down Warner and Fitzgerald. Now to replicate that success against Favre and Rice. I'm not as concerned with the running game since AP hasn't been as effective this year, and even last year with our far worse defense, we were able to shut down AP to one of his lowest rushing games of the season. I'm not 100% confident in the decisions for either game, but I do know that this Sunday will be a great day of football.

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I'm glad so many are agreeing on Dallas :D

Yea, what were we thinking :p

Jets vs Colts

Saints vs Vikings

As I said previously I believe in Rex Ryan and with Shonn Greene coming up big, hopefully Sanchez won't have to pass too much.

Even with the stout defense of the Vikings, I think Brees can pull it off and with Reggie Bush having a kind of rebirth running? It should be a great game. Of course in theory :p

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I hoping it will be Saints vs the Colts in the Super Bowl but NO has let us all down so many times. Sigh.

There will be no sighing this year....HAVE FAITH!!! We will ride this train all the way to Miami, and i , for one, will be in the Dome for the loudest game in NFL history!

WHO DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yea, what were we thinking :p

Jets vs Colts

Saints vs Vikings

As I said previously I believe in Rex Ryan and with Shonn Greene coming up big, hopefully Sanchez won't have to pass too much.

Even with the stout defense of the Vikings, I think Brees can pull it off and with Reggie Bush having a kind of rebirth running? It should be a great game. Of course in theory :p

I'm gonna say Colts vs Saints superbowl this year.

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Personally, I think the Colts will definitely stick it to the Jets, as it is only a wonder why they are there in the first place.

Still, don't really care about the superbowl as I do seeing the Saints vs. Vikings. That's the game I'm really looking forward to. Don't really see the Colts coming out on top between either the Saints or the Vikings. We'll see though. :p

Too bad for Dallas. While I was very hopeful for them, but I figured they'd flop on that game.

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Thank God the Cowgirls lost. If I had to hear another "How bout em" I would have thrown up.

I think the Vikings will give NO everything they can handle, and can pretty much match them offensively. The difference in this game may come down to Minn's D, which is very good. If it gets into a shootout, I have to give the nod to Brees and co.

As much as I hate to, I think the Vikes pull this one out (Even though I love AP). The Saints have been too up and down lately.

The AFC game is kinda difficult. The Jets D can be really nasty at times, and they can run the ball right down your throat. If they can limit their mistakes (read:Mark Sanchez) they can definitely stay in this game with their type of ball (control game.) Buuuuut, if Petyon is able to hit the third and fourth receiver (Collie and Garcon) to take pressure off Clark and Wayne, their O may bey clicking. Their D can also be pretty nasty at times.

This one is really tough. Before last weekend I thought it would be the Bolts and the Colts, but SD Nate'd the game, and the Jets pulled it out. Given the Colts home field, gotta give this one to the Colts.

Looks like I've got the has been vs. the best QB of our generation in the Super Bowl. Go Mannings!

BTW - I'm a 'Skins fan so my opinion should be taken very lightly.

Edit ^^ You really think the winner of the Saints/Vikes will beat the Colts? Hmmm...I guess that's why they play the game. But, the Colts have been there and won there since anyone on the Saints/Vikes have. Pressure does play a factor.

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