Strikeforce Nashville (CBS)

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For those of you that have seen it, what are your thoughts on the fights, and the brawl at the end? What do you think the consequences for such a thing should be?

For those that didn't see it, here you go.

Since this has happened here are some comments from those involved.

Courtesy of Jason Miller.

"I would like to formally apologize to CBS, Strikeforce, and all fans of mixed martial arts for my role in the events following the Strikeforce: Nashville event. In retrospect, my timing could not have been worse to ask for my rematch with Jake Shields, and I take full responsibility for entering the cage and setting off a chain of events that cast a dark shadow on the sport. I've been a fighter and a fan of MMA for over 12 years, and would never do anything to intentionally tarnish the sport I've given my life to. In the excitement of the moment I let my emotions run high and made a bad choice that resulted in a debacle, for that, I sincerely apologize."

Courtesy of Dana White

"Of course, everyone thinks I'm anti-competition, but I'm not. Everyone knows that they didn't belong on CBS. Even if you're the biggest UFC hater out there, you know that. Shame on CBS for this. They knew they should have been with us, but they went out and let those Showtime idiots talk them into going with Elite XC. Now, they're stuck with a bush league, C-level promotion that will probably be out of business next month. And what you saw on Saturday is the kind of thing that happens when you put a product like that on national television... When have you seen anything remotely close to that happen at a UFC event? What kind of ridiculous commentary was that [speaking of Gus Johnson's ?these things happen in MMA' comment]? That was an idiotic thing to say. And then he was yelling at them to stop, telling them they are on national television. That was just another example of how bush league they are."

Courtesy of Ceasar Gracie

"Unfortunately the after fight skirmish shifted the focus away from what was probably Jake and Gil's biggest wins and that was very disappointing. We're a very tight team and in all the years we've hung out together there has never been a team street fight or anything like that associated with us. After reviewing the tape I think I saw a lot of blame on all sides. I have spoken to my guys and with Strikeforce to make sure this never happens again. There were people in there that had come to support our team that really should never have been in there as well. Those people that participated have been banned from future events. I'll be honest and tell you I think there has been somewhat of a double standard when it comes to MMA. I frequently attend hockey games and if a fight breaks out it's routine and the fans have come to expect it. Fights happen in every sport and it's really not a big deal but if a fight breaks out at a fight between fighters it seems like some people want to act like it's the end of the world and pretend they are outraged. That night in Nashville was emotionally charged and I wish cooler heads would had prevailed. I think it would be better if we fight in a professional manner and not in free for alls. For the disruption it has caused we are sorry and would like to extend an apology."

I would have to agree somewhat with Dana on this, due to the comments that could be heard by commentary as well as ring announcers, such as Gus's Johnson's "these things happen in MMA" and the announcer yelling "we're on national TV GUYS!!"

I can honestly see CBS shutting the doors on strikeforce, and as much as i'm a fan of the UFC, i recognize that strikeforce was bringing MMA to the limelight, and this just looks bad.

I'm really truly upset with Ceasar Gracie's stance on the issue... because as i see it, although Miller had no business being in there, he was just promoting himself for a rematch, I see nothing wrong with some trash talk. I think the Diaz brothers jumping in and kicking Miller while he was down should cost them their licenses and they should be banned from both promotions. But what really ****es me off is that Gracie compared this event to something you would see at a hockey game, so upsetting. I would expect someone of his status to NOT make such a comment. Sure fighting is allowed in hockey, Sure the crowd enjoys it, but at the end of they day they are hockey players, NOT TRAINED FIGHTERS. The most they can do is a black eye, at best, and comparing a hockey fight to what happened at this event just looks bad on him imo.

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It looked like a WWE run-in. Totally ridiculous and sheds a very bad light on the sport of MMA.

The people that participated should be punished.

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It looked like a WWE run-in. Totally ridiculous and sheds a very bad light on the sport of MMA.

The people that participated should be punished.

They should be fired, but that would mean firing most of their best fighters Gilbert Melendez, Mayhem Miller, Nick Diaz, Jake Shields. Although personally I'd have no problem with that the whole thing was nothing more than assault you don't jump someone for asking for a rematch. :no:


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ridiculous, totally ridiculous.

Dana White gave a solid 1 on 1 speech to Brock Lesner after his victory in UFC 100. Imagine what he would have done with this sort of childish brawl.

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Wait, all those psychologically disordered morons jumped Miller because he asked for a rematch?

That's bull****. Miller is the last one to blame there. If I was incharge of Strikeforce, I would totally ban Cesar Gracie's Jiu Jitsu camp from ever setting foot in a Strikeforce octagon again. They were kicking the guy in the head when he was down!

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Wait, all those psychologically disordered morons jumped Miller because he asked for a rematch?

That's bull****. Miller is the last one to blame there. If I was incharge of Strikeforce, I would totally ban Cesar Gracie's Jiu Jitsu camp from ever setting foot in a Strikeforce octagon again. They were kicking the guy in the head when he was down!

And remove half of their "talent" pool? Not going to happen. They can't afford to lose anyone in their roster. :blink:

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And remove half of their "talent" pool? Not going to happen. They can't afford to lose anyone in their roster. :blink:

That's what happens when you're a crappy promotion.

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