GTX 480 Aftermarket Cooler

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Hi guys, Lately I cant play games at night because my GTX 480 is making too much noise. My brother cant sleep since we share the same room. The card starts to sound like a chopper taking off after a few minutes of gaming.

So the only way to get rid of this is to find an aftermarket cooler that is way more silent and does a better job at cooling.

I've read about Zalman releasing a cooler for the GTX 480, something called the VF3000F. However, there's no info of it on the site, and customer support wont respond to my tickets.

Are there any other coolers out there for this card? I cant keep waiting for Zalman to release theirs.

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There are plenty of water blocks for the card you could go that route. CoolIt sell a GTX 480 specific water cooling kit which I believe is sealed from the factory and you just fit it to the case and the card.

Air wise there isn't much out yet. Keep in mind this card is 250-300Watts TDP so it's going to be difficult to get a quiet air cooler for this card that cools it sufficiently.

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A shame Arctic Cooling haven't released one of their coolers for the 480 yet, the AX has kept my 5970 at under 35* idle throughout the summer and it's whisper quiet.

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There are plenty of water blocks for the card you could go that route. CoolIt sell a GTX 480 specific water cooling kit which I believe is sealed from the factory and you just fit it to the case and the card.

Air wise there isn't much out yet. Keep in mind this card is 250-300Watts TDP so it's going to be difficult to get a quiet air cooler for this card that cools it sufficiently.

Can you link me to that CoolIt cooler? I was going for water cooling, but I've never done it before and don't want to mess with too much water cooling stuff.

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I will plug water cooling too. I went to it originally because I was tired of the excessive noise of air cooling. My computer is now quieter than the hum from a florescence light bulb. The loudest noise is the hard drive spinning up and I have dampened that some too. I am really happy with the noise reduction, the overclocking and coolness factor are just bonuses.

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I could do my own watercooling but I would need excessive help. I have no clue what to get for it. So a kit would be very helpful like the CoolIT one. Are there any other kits out there or air cooling?

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I don't think i am ever going to bother with liquid cooling - as i don't believe it is safe/money smart despite what anyone says.

The issue with your card is that it is only a few months old and is why there is little you can do about your issue.

One thing i would say you can do without spending a penny is put either furniture or something thick and soft around the pc (except rear). Couch pillows are big and tend to dampen sound, that is why before you put any furniture or thick material in a room - it will echo.

When i do not want to wake up someone at home while printing, i can put a thick blanket over my printer and let it do its job, it seems to work for me.

Make sure you dont block any fans, and i suggest you avoid blocking the rear, as that is where all the hot air tends to go.

Hope this helps, let me know how it goes if you try. :D

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